Source code for

# Copyright 2019 The Texar Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The Executor module.

import pickle
import random
import re
import sys
import time
from collections import (OrderedDict,  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, Dict, IO, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union,
    no_type_check, overload)

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler as LRScheduler
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer

from import DatasetBase
from import BatchingStrategy, DataIterator
from import Batch
from import executor_utils as utils
from import Condition, Event, EventPoint
from import Instance, OptionalDict, OptionalList
from import Metric, StreamingMetric
from texar.torch.utils.types import MaybeList

__all__ = [

ActionFn = Callable[['Executor'], None]
LogDest = Union[str, Path, IO[str]]

def make_deterministic(seed: int = 19260817,
                       cudnn_deterministic: bool = False):
    r"""Make experiment deterministic by using specific random seeds across
    all frameworks and (optionally) use deterministic algorithms.

        seed (int): The random seed to set.
        cudnn_deterministic (bool): If `True`, set CuDNN to use
            deterministic algorithms. Setting this to `True` can negatively
            impact performance, and might not be necessary for most cases.
            Defaults to `False`.

    if cudnn_deterministic:
        torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

[docs]class Executor: # pylint: disable=line-too-long r""":class:`Executor` is a substitute for the general training/evaluation loop. It is designed with the following goals in mind: 1. **Minimize the amount of boilerplate code** that is essentially the same across all experiments. 2. Provide **best practices** and hide hideous details from the user. 3. Guarantee **reproducability** (runs with same configuration & seed always produces the same result) and **portability** (same code runs whether using GPU or not). 4. Meanwhile, allowing **flexible configurations** and support user-overridden behaviors. Example: Here is a realistic training loop example using :class:`Executor`, showcasing the features built in. :class:`Executor` takes care of common training procedures including logging, checkpoint management, evaluation metrics, validation, and patience-based early-stopping. .. code-block:: python from import * executor = Executor( model=model, train_data=datasets["train"], valid_data=datasets["dev"], test_data=datasets["test"], checkpoint_dir=args.save_dir, save_every=cond.validation(better=True), train_metrics=("loss", metric.RunningAverage(args.display_steps)), optimizer={"type": torch.optim.Adam}, grad_clip=args.grad_clip, log_every=cond.iteration(args.display_steps), validate_every=cond.epoch(1), valid_metrics=[ metric.PearsonR(pred_name="preds"), ("loss", metric.Average())], plateau_condition=[ cond.consecutive(cond.validation(better=False), 2)], action_on_plateau=[ action.early_stop(patience=2), action.reset_params(), action.scale_lr(0.8)], stop_training_on=cond.iteration(args.max_train_steps), test_mode='eval', ) executor.train() .. |Metric| replace:: :class:`` .. |Condition| replace:: :class:`` .. |Optimizer| replace:: :torch_docs:`torch.optim.Optimizer <optim.html#torch.optim.Optimizer>` .. |LRScheduler| replace:: :torch_docs:`LRScheduler <optim.html#how-to-adjust-learning-rate>` .. |Action| replace:: :class:`` .. |Event| replace:: :class:`` **Concepts** To make full use of :class:`Executor`, you'll need to understand the following concepts: - **Event:** Events are a set of pre-defined time spans within the training and evaluation loop. Common events include a training iteration (``Event.Iteration``), an epoch (``Event.Epoch``), or an entire validation (``Event.Validation``). Please refer to the enum class |Event| for the full list of events. The beginning and end of events are called **event points**. - **Condition:** |Condition|\ s are checks performed at the beginning or end of events. If a check passes, we say that the condition "triggers". To give a few examples: - :class:`cond.iteration(num_iters) <>` is checked only at the end of training iterations, and the check passes when the number of iterations passed equals :attr:`num_iters`. Thus, the condition triggers at the end of every :attr:`num_iters` iterations. - :class:`cond.validation(better=True) <>` is checked only at the end of validations, and the check passes if the current validation result is better than the previous best. Thus, the condition triggers whenever a finished validation yields an improved result. - :class:`cond.time <>` is checked at the end of iterations, and at the beginning and end of training, validation, and testing. It checks whether the elapsed time has reached the specified duration, and triggers when it does. Custom conditions must subclass the |Condition| class. - **Action:** Actions are special callback functions that are called either at the beginning or end of an event (actions registered by :meth:`on_event`), or when conditions trigger (actions registered by :meth:`on`, and by specifying :attr:`save_every` and similar arguments). This is similar to hook functions that exists in common frameworks. Actions take a single argument -- the :class:`Executor` instance itself, and can perform any operations within. Custom actions can be simple functions, or subclass the |Action| class. - **Metric:** Metrics are used to evaluate the output of models. They are categorized into two classes: :class:`` and :class:``. The only difference is that streaming metrics support incremental computation of metric values, so they can be used to aggregate results over the training set, or provide intermediate results on-the-fly. Custom metrics must subclass one of the above classes. **Customization** You can easily extend the :class:`Executor` class by subclassing it and overriding methods. Methods of interest include: - :meth:`_train_step`: Perform a single step of training (i.e. process a single batch, call :meth:`backward`, and potentially call optimizer updates). Takes the data batch as argument. - :meth:`_validate_step`: Perform a single step of validation. Takes the data batch as argument. - :meth:`_test_step`: Perform a single step of testing. Takes the data batch as argument. - :meth:`_train_loop`: Runs the entire training loop. Takes the data iterator as argument. - :meth:`_train_loop`: Runs the entire validation loop. Takes the data iterator as argument. - :meth:`_test_loop`: Runs the entire testing loop. Takes the data iterator as argument. You can also define custom events by writing a new enum class and modifying the :attr:`_EVENT_TYPES` attribute. Event points can be signaled by calling :meth:`_fire_event`. For example: .. code-block:: python class GANEvent(Enum): DiscriminatorUpdate = auto() GeneratorUpdate = auto() class GANExecutor(Executor): _EVENT_TYPES = (Event, GANEvent) def __init__(self, *args, optimizer_g, optimizer_d, **kwargs): kwargs["optimizer"] = { "g": optimizer_g, "d": optimizer_d, } super.__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _train_step(self, batch): self._fire_event(GANEvent.GeneratorUpdate, False) z = torch.randn(len(batch), args.latent_dim) fake_image = self.model.generator(z) logits = self.model.discriminator(fake_image) g_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(logits, torch.ones(len(batch)) g_loss.backward() self.optimizer["g"].step() self.optimizer["g"].zero_grad() self._fire_event(GANEvent.GeneratorUpdate, True) self._fire_event(GANEvent.DiscriminatorUpdate, False) real_logits = self.model.discriminator(batch.image) fake_logits = self.model.discriminator(fake_image.detach()) real_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(real_logits, torch.ones(len(batch))) fake_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(fake_logits, torch.zeros(len(batch))) d_loss = (real_loss + fake_loss) / 2 d_loss.backward() self.optimizer["d"].step() self.optimizer["d"].zero_grad() self._fire_event(GANEvent.DiscriminatorUpdate, True) return {"g_loss": g_loss, "d_loss": d_loss} **Arguments** The constructor of :class:`Executor` takes many arguments, almost all of which are keyword-only and optional. Some arguments can take values of multiple types, either a single instance of a specific type, or a list or dictionary of values of that type. Arguments grouped by functions: - :ref:`General arguments <executor-general-args>` - :ref:`Arguments for checkpoint management <executor-checkpoint-args>` - :ref:`Arguments for tensorboard logging <executor-tbx-logging-args>` - :ref:`Arguments for training <executor-train-args>` - :ref:`Arguments for validation <executor-valid-args>` - :ref:`Arguments for testing <executor-test-args>` - :ref:`Arguments for logging <executor-log-args>` .. _executor-general-args: **General arguments:** `model`: :torch_nn:`Module` The model to train or evaluate. The model must be a subclass of :torch_nn:`Module`, with its :meth:`forward` method taking a single argument ``batch`` and returning a dictionary of :tensor:`Tensor`\ s: - The ``batch`` argument is of type :class:``, which is the batch object produced by your provided dataset. - The returned dictionary must contain an entry named ``"loss"``, which will be used as the loss to backpropagate during training. You can also include other values and use them in metrics. If the model performs different routines during training and evaluation (for instance, a sequence-to-sequence model may train using teacher-forcing but evaluate using beam search-based inference), you can define another method :meth:`predict` following the same signature as :meth:`forward`. To use :meth:`predict` instead of :meth:`forward` in validation or testing, set :attr:`validate_mode` or :attr:`test_mode` to ``"predict"`` instead of ``"eval"``. If the model you use does not follow this convention, you will need to wrap the model in a new class. The following example demonstrates how to wrap :class:`~texar.torch.modules.XLNetRegressor`: .. code-block:: python class RegressorWrapper(tx.modules.XLNetRegressor): def forward(self, batch): preds = super().forward(token_ids=batch.input_ids, segment_ids=batch.segment_ids, input_mask=batch.input_mask) loss = (preds - batch.label_ids) ** 2 loss = loss.sum() / len(batch) return {"loss": loss, "preds": preds} `train_data`: :class:`` The dataset used during training. Must be specified for training. `valid_data`: :class:`` The dataset used during validation. If not specified, you cannot perform validation during training (e.g., by setting :attr:`validate_every`). `test_data`: :class:``, or a list or dictionary The dataset(s) used during testing. If not specified, you cannot perform testing during training (e.g., by setting :attr:`test_every`). `batching_strategy`: :class:`` The batching strategy to use for batching. This will be passed as the :attr:`batching_strategy` argument for :class:`` during training, and evaluation if the corresponding mode is set to ``"eval"``. `validate_mode`: str The evaluation mode for validation. Available choices are ``"eval"`` and ``"predict"``. Defaults to ``"eval"``. When mode is set to ``"eval"``, :meth:`forward` method of the model will be called; when set to ``"predict"``, :meth:`predict` method of the model will be called. `test_mode`: str The evaluation mode for testing. Available choices are ``"eval"`` and ``"predict"``. Defaults to ``"predict"``. `device`: ``torch.device`` The device on which the model and data should be placed. Defaults to `None`, in which case GPUs will be used if available. .. _executor-tbx-logging-args: **Arguments for tensorboard logging:** `tbx_logging_dir`: str Path to the directory for storing tensorboard logs. `tbx_log_every`: |Condition| Conditions that, when triggered, saves the tensorboard logs for train metrics. If None, :ref:`log_every <executor-log-args>` will be used. .. _executor-checkpoint-args: **Arguments for checkpoint management:** `checkpoint_dir`: str Path to the directory for storing checkpoints. If not specified, you cannot save/load the model during training (e.g., by setting :attr:`save_every` or using :class:``). `max_to_keep`: int The maximum number of checkpoints to keep in the checkpoint directory. When the number of checkpoints exceed this limit, the oldest one will be removed. If `None`, no such limit is imposed. Defaults to `None`. .. note:: Be careful when saving periodic snapshots along with the best performing checkpoint. Periodic snapshots might overwrite best models if checkpoint limit is exceeded. A better workaround is to only save periodic snapshots with the built-in mechanism, and register a custom action for saving a single best performing checkpoint: .. code-block:: python # Don't executor = Executor( save_every=[cond.epoch(1), cond.validation(better=True)], max_to_keep=3, ...) # Do executor = Executor( save_every=cond.epoch(1), max_to_keep=3, ...) @executor.on(cond.validation(better=True)) def save_best_model(executor):, max_to_keep=1) `save_every`: |Condition|, or a list Conditions that, when triggered, saves the model. In the following example, the model will be saved every 1000 iterations, or whenever validation results improve. .. code-block:: python save_every=[cond.validation(better=True), cond.iteration(1000)] `save_training_state`: bool If `False`, only save model parameters in checkpoint. If `True`, also save optimizer and scheduler states, along with random number generator states from Python, NumPy, and PyTorch. Defaults to `True`. .. _executor-train-args: **Arguments for training:** .. _train-metrics: `train_metrics`: |Metric|, or a list or dictionary The metrics computed over the training set. In case of multiple metrics, two sets of metric values will be compared in the provided order. For example, if two metrics `f1` (:class:``) and `loss` (:class:``) are defined (in this order), when comparing two sets of values, the one with a higher `f1` is considered better. If the two sets have the same `f1` value, the one with a lower `loss` is considered better. Acceptable values include: - A single |Metric|, or a list of |Metric|\ s. These metrics will be automatically named when they're logged. - A tuple of (``str``, |Metric|), or a list of this. These metrics are explicitly named according to the provided strings. Note that names must be unique, and should be valid identifier names. - An :class:`~collections.OrderedDict` mapping names to metrics. Note that a plain (unordered) dictionary is not accepted. .. note:: Metrics that are logged will be evaluated once every time logging is performed. For efficiency considerations, such metrics should be :class:``\ s. Please take extra care when implementing your own metrics. `optimizer`: |Optimizer|, or a dictionary of hyperparameters The optimizer used during training. This can be a |Optimizer| instance, or a dictionary of hyperparameters that will be passed into :meth:`texar.torch.utils.get_instance`. Must be specified for training. `lr_scheduler`: |LRScheduler|, or a dictionary of hyperparameters, optional The learning rate scheduler used during training. This can be an |LRScheduler| instance, or a dictionary of hyperparameters that will be passed into :meth:`texar.torch.utils.get_instance`. `stop_training_on`: |Condition|, or a list Conditions that, when triggered, will stop training. In the following example, training will be terminated after 5 epochs or 20000 iterations, whichever comes first: .. code-block:: python stop_training_on=[cond.epoch(5), cond.iteration(20000)] `num_iters_per_update`: int Number of iterations to run before performing a parameter update. When this value is greater than 1, the loss is scaled by its reciprocal. Defaults to 1, in which case the parameters are updated after each ``.backward()`` call. This can be used to accumulate gradients across multiple batches, in order to simulate the effect of using a large batch size on a machine with limited memory. `grad_clip`: float, optional Maximum norm of the gradients. Please refer to :torch_docs:`nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_ <nn.html#torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_>` for details. Defaults to `None`, i.e. no clipping. .. _executor-valid-args: **Arguments for validation:** `valid_metrics`: |Metric|, or a list or dictionary The metrics computed over the validation set. Please see :ref:`train_metrics <train-metrics>` for details. `validate_every`: |Condition|, or a list Conditions that, when triggered, performs validation. In the following example, the model will be validated once per epoch. .. code-block:: python validate_every=cond.epoch(1) `plateau_condition`: |Condition|, or a list Conditions that, when triggered, indicates that training has reached a plateau, i.e., the model has stopped improving. In the following example, we consider that training has reached a plateau if validation metrics have not improved for 3 consecutive validations. .. code-block:: python plateau_condition=cond.consecutive(cond.validation(better=False)) `action_on_plateau`: |Action|, or a list Actions that will be called when training has reached a plateau. In the following example, we perform patience-based early-stopping when reaching plateaus. A patience of 2 means training will be terminated after plateau is reached twice. We also scale the learning rate by 0.8, and reset the model & optimizer parameters to the previous best checkpoint. .. code-block:: python action_on_plateau=[ action.reset_params(), action.scale_lr(0.8), action.early_stop(patience=2)] .. _executor-test-args: **Arguments for testing:** `test_metrics`: |Metric|, or a list or dictionary The metrics computed over the test set. Please see :ref:`train_metrics <train-metrics>` for details. :meth:`test` can only be called if :attr:`test_metrics` is not `None`. .. note:: :attr:`valid_metrics` will be automatically shared with :attr:`test_metrics` if: 1. :attr:`test_metrics` is `None`; 2. :attr:`validate_mode` is the same as :attr:`test_mode`. In this case, calling validation while testing (or vice versa) could cause incorrect results since the same |Metric| instances are used. `test_every`: |Condition|, or a list Conditions that, when triggered, performs testing. In the following example, the model will be tested whenever validation results improve. .. code-block:: python test_every=cond.validation(better=True) .. _executor-log-args: **Arguments for logging:** `log_every`: |Condition|, or a list Conditions that, when triggered, performs logging. In the following example, a log will be printed every 100 iterations, and after every epoch. .. code-block:: python log_every=[cond.iteration(100), cond.epoch()] `log_destination`: ``str``, IO object, or a list Logging destinations. Acceptable values include: - An IO object. This can be an opened file, ``sys.stdout``, or any other file-like object. - A string, denoting the path to a log file. :class:`Executor` will open the file and close it when the program exits. The file will be opened in "append" (``"a"``) mode to prevent accidentally overwriting previous logs. To force overwrite, supply the file object instead. - A list, with each element being one of the above. When writing to a file, special syntax for terminals (e.g. color codes) are emitted. Also, live progress is not written to files. By default, the log is only written to ``sys.stdout``. .. _log-format: `log_format`: ``str`` The format string for logs during training. The format string follows the syntax of Python format strings. The status variables you can reference include: - ``epoch`` (int): The current epoch. - ``iteration`` (int): The current iteration. - ``progress`` (float): The epoch progress represented in percentage, i.e. a floating-point number between 0 and 100. It should be noted that progress may not be accurate, and may not be available if the data is loaded lazily. - ``speed`` (float): Average number of data examples processed per second. It should be noted that speed may not be accurate. - ``time``: The current date and time. Time format can be set using the "format spec" syntax of Python format strings, i.e.: ``{time:%H:%M:%S}`` prints time in the format ``08:26:03``. If time format is not specified, it is equivalent to ``{time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}``, which corresponds to the format ``2018-07-06 08:26:03``. For more information on time formatting, please refer to documentation for Python built-in function :meth:`date.strftime`. - ``metric``: An aggregated representation of all metrics, in the format of ``<name1>: <value1>, <name2>: <value2>, ...``. The format spec for ``metric`` will be applied to all metrics whose value supports such format spec. For more fine grained control over metric formatting, use the following methods. - ``metric.<name>``: Value of the metric under the specified name ``<name>``. - ``<name>``: Value of the metric under the specified name ``<name>``. .. note:: The metric can only be looked-up if its name does not coincide with built-in status variables. For instance, a metric named "`loss`" can be looked-up by ``loss`` and ``metric.loss``, but a metric named "`time`" can only be looked-up by ``metric.time``. The default format string is: .. code-block:: {time} : Epoch {epoch} @ {iteration}it ({progress}%, {speed}), {{{metric:.3f}}} which produces logs similar to: .. code-block:: 2019-08-05 11:46:26 : Epoch 1 @ 800it (20.3%, 16.14ex/s), {loss: 0.358, Accuracy: 0.567} `valid_log_format`: str The format string for logs when validation completes. Please refer to :ref:`log_format <log-format>` for details of the format string. The default format string is: .. code-block:: {time} : Epoch {epoch}, {split} result = {{{metric:.3f}}} which produces logs similar to: .. code-block:: 2019-08-05 11:36:53 : Epoch 6, valid result = {PearsonR: 0.918, loss: 0.363} `test_log_format`: str, optional The format string for logs when testing completes. Please refer to :ref:`log_format <log-format>` for details of the format string. If `None`, the format string for validation (``valid_log_format``) is used. Defaults to `None`. `valid_progress_log_format`: str The format string for logs during validation if live progress is enabled. Please refer to :ref:`log_format <log-format>` for details of the format string. The default format string is: .. code-block:: {time} : Evaluating on {split} ({progress}%, {speed}), {{{metric:.3f}}} which produces logs similar to: .. code-block:: 2019-08-05 11:35:56 : Evaluating on test (65.4%, 1.12s/ex), {PearsonR: 0.911, loss: 0.384} `test_progress_log_format`: str The format string for logs during testing if live progress is enabled. Please refer to :ref:`log_format <log-format>` for details of the format string. If `None`, the format string for validation (``valid_progress_log_format``) is used. Defaults to `None`. `print_model_arch`: bool If `True`, model architecture and will logged in a readable format. Defaults to `True`. `show_live_progress`: bool or str Controls whether live progress will be shown. Acceptable values include: - `True`: Live progress is enabled for training, validation, and testing. - `False`: Live progress is disabled. - ``"train"``, ``"valid"``, ``"test"``, or a list of these strings: Live progress is enabled for the specified stages only. If live progress is enabled for a certain stage, the specified format string will be shown similar to a sticky progress bar at the bottom of the terminal window, and updated after each iteration. Note that live progress is only shown on terminals. It will not be printed to log files. .. warning:: This may incur extra overhead because an update requires re-evaluating metrics. Make sure that all metrics logged are :class:``\ s. You can also explicitly log only streaming metrics, or disable live progress for certain stages. """ # pylint: enable=line-too-long _EVENT_TYPES = (Event,) _CHECKPOINT_METAINFO_FILE = "checkpoint.meta-info" _CHECKPOINT_EXTENSION = ".pt" _defaults: Dict[str, Any] = { "log_format": "{time} : Epoch {epoch} @ {iteration}it " "({progress}%, {speed}), {{{metric:.3f}}}", "valid_progress_log_format": "{time} : Evaluating on {split} " "({progress}%, {speed}), {{{metric:.3f}}}", "valid_log_format": "{time} : Epoch {epoch}, " "{split} result = {{{metric:.3f}}}", "log_destination": [sys.stdout], } # TODO: Add loss as a special default metric? Otherwise would have to use # RunningAverage with display steps # TODO: Prevent the same action triggering twice without any other steps. _hooks: Dict[EventPoint, Dict[Optional[Condition], List[ActionFn]]] status: utils.TrainingStatus def __init__(self, model: nn.Module, *, train_data: Optional[DatasetBase] = None, valid_data: Optional[DatasetBase] = None, test_data: OptionalDict[DatasetBase] = None, batching_strategy: Optional[BatchingStrategy] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, # tbX logging tbx_logging_dir: Optional[str] = None, tbx_log_every: Optional[Condition] = None, # Checkpoint checkpoint_dir: Optional[str] = None, max_to_keep: Optional[int] = None, save_every: OptionalList[Condition] = None, save_training_state: bool = True, # Training train_metrics: OptionalDict[Metric] = None, optimizer: Optional[Instance[Optimizer]] = None, lr_scheduler: Optional[Instance[LRScheduler]] = None, stop_training_on: OptionalList[Condition] = None, num_iters_per_update: int = 1, grad_clip: Optional[float] = None, # Validation valid_metrics: OptionalDict[Metric] = None, validate_every: OptionalList[Condition] = None, plateau_condition: OptionalList[Condition] = None, action_on_plateau: OptionalList[ActionFn] = None, validate_mode: str = 'eval', # Testing test_metrics: OptionalDict[Metric] = None, test_every: OptionalList[Condition] = None, test_mode: str = 'predict', # Logging log_every: OptionalList[Condition] = None, log_format: Optional[str] = None, log_destination: OptionalList[LogDest] = None, print_model_arch: bool = True, valid_log_format: Optional[str] = None, test_log_format: Optional[str] = None, valid_progress_log_format: Optional[str] = None, test_progress_log_format: Optional[str] = None, show_live_progress: Union[bool, MaybeList[str]] = False): try: from tqdm._utils import _environ_cols_wrapper, _term_move_up self._tty_ncols: Optional[Callable] = _environ_cols_wrapper() self._tty_move_up: str = _term_move_up() except ImportError: self._tty_ncols = None # Meta variables self._should_terminate = False # .terminate() self._should_remove_current_action = False # .remove_action() # Since an event action could be internally fire other events (e.g. # validation), there could be nested events. Thus we keep track of # the number of layers. self._event_nested_layers = 0 # ._fire_event() self._status_line_str: Optional[str] = None self.model = model self.train_data = train_data self.valid_data = valid_data self.test_data = utils.to_dict(test_data, default_name="test") self.batching_strategy = batching_strategy # Device placement if device is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device(torch.cuda.current_device()) else: device = torch.device('cpu') self.device = device # Logging self._log_conditions = utils.to_list(log_every) self._print_model_arch = print_model_arch self.log_format: str = log_format or self._defaults["log_format"] self.valid_log_format: str = ( valid_log_format or self._defaults["valid_log_format"]) self.valid_progress_log_format: str = ( valid_progress_log_format or self._defaults["valid_progress_log_format"]) self.test_log_format: str = test_log_format or self.valid_log_format self.test_progress_log_format: str = ( test_progress_log_format or self.valid_progress_log_format) # Checkpoint management self.checkpoint_dir = (Path(checkpoint_dir) if checkpoint_dir is not None else None) self.max_to_keep = max_to_keep self._save_conditions = utils.to_list(save_every) self._save_training_state = save_training_state self._directory_exists = False if self.checkpoint_dir is not None: if not self.checkpoint_dir.exists(): self.checkpoint_dir.mkdir(parents=True) else: self._directory_exists = True # Create logging files after checkpoint directory is created. self._log_destination: List[IO[str]] = [] self._log_destination_is_tty: List[bool] = [] self._opened_files: List[IO[str]] = [] self._files_opened: bool = False self.log_destination: List[LogDest] = utils.to_list( log_destination or self._defaults["log_destination"]) # Initialize logging destinations but don't open files yet. Fill file # destinations with `None` so we're still able to log to the terminal. # This helps with pure-terminal logging functions like `set_status_line` # and we explicitly open files in `write_log`, `train`, and `test`. for dest in self.log_destination: if isinstance(dest, (str, Path)): self._log_destination_is_tty.append(False) self._log_destination.append(None) # type: ignore else: if not hasattr(dest, "write"): raise ValueError(f"Log destination {dest} is not a " f"file-like object") try: isatty = dest.isatty() except AttributeError: isatty = False self._log_destination_is_tty.append(isatty) self._log_destination.append(dest) # tbx logging self.summary_writer = None self._tbx_logging_dir = tbx_logging_dir if tbx_logging_dir is not None: # Instantiation of the summary writer is delayed to `_open_files`. self._tbx_logging_conditions = utils.to_list( tbx_log_every if tbx_log_every is not None else log_every) # Training loop self.train_metrics = utils.to_metric_dict(train_metrics) self.optimizer = utils.to_instance( Optimizer, optimizer, ["torch.optim", "texar.core"], extra_kwargs={"params": self.model.parameters()}) self.lr_scheduler = utils.to_instance( LRScheduler, lr_scheduler, ["torch.optim.lr_scheduler", "texar.core"], extra_kwargs={"optimizer": self.optimizer}) self._stop_training_conditions = utils.to_list(stop_training_on) self.num_iters_per_update = num_iters_per_update self.grad_clip = grad_clip # Validation self.valid_metrics = utils.to_metric_dict(valid_metrics) self._valid_conditions = utils.to_list(validate_every) self.validate_mode = validate_mode self._plateau_conditions = utils.to_list(plateau_condition) self._actions_on_plateau = utils.to_list(action_on_plateau) # Testing if (test_metrics is None and valid_metrics is not None and validate_mode == test_mode): self.test_metrics = self.valid_metrics else: self.test_metrics = utils.to_metric_dict(test_metrics) self._test_conditions = utils.to_list(test_every) self.test_mode = test_mode # Initialize hooks. self._hooks = { (event, point): defaultdict(list) for event_class in self._EVENT_TYPES for event in event_class for point in (False, True)} self.status = { "epoch": 0, "iteration": 0, "split": "train", "metric": self.train_metrics, "eval_metric": self.valid_metrics, } # TODO: Move trackers to another process, as in tqdm? Refer to # `tqdm.TMonitor` self._train_tracker = utils.ProgressTracker() self._valid_tracker = utils.ProgressTracker() self._test_tracker = utils.ProgressTracker() if isinstance(show_live_progress, bool): if show_live_progress is True: show_live_progress = ["train", "valid", "test"] else: show_live_progress = [] elif isinstance(show_live_progress, str): show_live_progress = [show_live_progress] if any(stage not in ["train", "valid", "test"] for stage in show_live_progress): raise ValueError("Invalid value for `show_live_progress`") self._register_logging_actions(show_live_progress) if tbx_logging_dir is not None: self._register_tbx_logging_actions() # Register other events and actions. for cond in self._valid_conditions: self._register_action(cond, self._validate.__func__) # type: ignore for cond in self._test_conditions: self._register_action(cond, self.test.__func__) # type: ignore for cond in self._save_conditions: self._register_action(cond, # type: ignore for cond in self._plateau_conditions: for action in self._actions_on_plateau: self._register_action(cond, action) for cond in self._stop_training_conditions: self._register_action(cond, self.terminate.__func__) # type: ignore
[docs] def write_log(self, log_str: str, *, mode: str = "info", skip_tty: bool = False, skip_non_tty: bool = False) -> None: r"""Write a string to log. Args: log_str (str): The string to log. mode (str): The logging mode. Supported values are: - ``"log"``: A plain log. Logs created by :attr:`log_every` and :attr:`eval_log_every` are in this format. - ``"info"``: Indicates a result or notification. Includes a header with ``"INFO"`` and a timestamp in green color. This is the default mode. - ``"warning"``: Indicates an unexpected or incorrect situation. Includes a header with ``"WARNING"`` and a timestamp. The entire warning is in red color. skip_tty: If `True`, the log string will not be written to terminal log destinations. Defaults to `False`. skip_non_tty: If `True`, the log string will not be written to non-terminal (e.g., files) destinations. Defaults to `False`. """ self._open_files() if mode == "log": pass elif mode == "info": time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") pass log_str = utils.color(f"INFO {time_str} : ", "green") + log_str elif mode == "warning": time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log_str = f"WARNING {time_str} : {log_str}" log_str = utils.color(log_str, "red") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid logging mode {mode}") if not skip_tty and self._status_line_str is not None: self._write_log(log_str, skip_non_tty=True, clear_line=True) self._write_log( self._status_line_str, skip_non_tty=True, newline=False) if not skip_non_tty: self._write_log(log_str, skip_tty=True, skip_non_tty=False) else: self._write_log(log_str, skip_tty, skip_non_tty)
def set_status_line(self, status_str: Optional[str]): if status_str is None: status_str = "" # just clear the line self._write_log(status_str, skip_non_tty=True, newline=False, clear_line=True) self._status_line_str = status_str # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use,function-redefined @overload def on(self, cond: Condition) -> Callable[[ActionFn], ActionFn]: ... @overload def on(self, cond: Condition, func: ActionFn) -> 'Executor': ...
[docs] def on(self, cond: Condition, func=None): r"""Register a function as an action triggered on a condition. For example: .. code-block:: python executor = Executor(...) @executor.on(cond.iteration(10, mode="valid")) def log_during_validation(executor):"Validation iter %d", executor.status["iteration"]) The action function takes exactly one argument: the executor instance itself. Args: cond: The condition that will call the function when triggered. Must be of type :class:`Condition`. func (optional): The function to register. If not `None`, the function will be registered; if `None`, a decorator will be returned. :returns: - If :attr:`func` is `None`, this method will return a decorator to wrap around the function to register as hook. - If :attr:`func` is not `None`, this method will return the :class:`Executor` itself, allowing chained calls. """ if not isinstance(cond, Condition): raise ValueError(f"Invalid condition {cond}") if func is not None: self._register_action(cond, func) return self def wrapper(f): self._register_action(cond, f) return f return wrapper
@overload def on_event(self, event: Event, point: str = 'end') \ -> Callable[[ActionFn], ActionFn]: ... @overload def on_event(self, event: Event, point: str, func: ActionFn) -> 'Executor': ...
[docs] def on_event(self, event, point='end', func=None): r"""Register a function as an action triggered on an event point. For example: .. code-block:: python executor = Executor(...) @executor.on_event(Event.Epoch, 'end') def log_at_end_of_epoch(executor):"Epoch %d done", executor.status["epoch"]) The action function takes exactly one argument: the executor instance itself. Args: event: The event to hook on. Must be an enum value from :class:`~Event`. point (str): The point of event to hook on. Supported values are ``"begin"`` and ``"end"``. Defaults to ``"end"``. func (optional): The function to register. If not `None`, the function will be registered; if `None`, a decorator will be returned. :returns: - If :attr:`func` is `None`, this method will return a decorator to wrap around the function to register as hook. - If :attr:`func` is not `None`, this method will return the :class:`Executor` itself, allowing chained calls. """ if (not isinstance(event, self._EVENT_TYPES) or point not in ('begin', 'end')): raise ValueError(f"Invalid event point ({event}, {point})") end = (point == 'end') if func is not None: self._register_hook((event, end), func) return self def wrapper(f): self._register_hook((event, end), f) return f return wrapper
# pylint: enable=unused-argument,no-self-use,function-redefined
[docs] def save(self, path: Optional[str] = None, save_training_state: Optional[bool] = None): r"""Save a snapshot of the current state to a checkpoint file. Args: path (str, optional): Path to the checkpoint directory. If `None`, :attr:`checkpoint_dir` in the constructor arguments will be used. Defaults to `None`. save_training_state (bool): If `True`, will save entire training state from checkpoint. If `False`, only save model weights. If `None`, the value from the constructor arguments will be used. Defaults to `None`. """ if path is not None: ckpt_dir = Path(path) elif self.checkpoint_dir is not None: ckpt_dir = self.checkpoint_dir else: raise ValueError( "`path` must be specified when `checkpoint_dir` is `None`") if save_training_state is None: save_training_state = self._save_training_state # Load the checkpoint meta-info file. meta_path = ckpt_dir / self._CHECKPOINT_METAINFO_FILE if meta_path.exists(): try: with"rb") as f: meta_dict = pickle.load(f) except (EOFError, IOError): meta_dict = {} else: meta_path.touch() meta_dict = {} # Remove earliest checkpoints if exceeds `max_to_keep`. if self.max_to_keep is not None: while len(meta_dict) >= self.max_to_keep: checkpoint_name = min( meta_dict, key=lambda name: meta_dict[name]["timestamp"]) (ckpt_dir / checkpoint_name).unlink() del meta_dict[checkpoint_name] self.write_log(f"Previous checkpoint {checkpoint_name} removed " f"due to `max_to_keep`(={self.max_to_keep}) " f"limit", mode="info") timestamp = time.time() checkpoint_name = str(timestamp) + self._CHECKPOINT_EXTENSION ckpt_path = ckpt_dir / checkpoint_name if ckpt_path.exists(): idx = 0 while True: checkpoint_name = ( str(timestamp) + f".{idx}" + self._CHECKPOINT_EXTENSION) ckpt_path = ckpt_dir / checkpoint_name if not ckpt_path.exists(): break if save_training_state and self.optimizer is not None: train_state = utils.SavedTrainingState( model=self.model.state_dict(), optimizer=self.optimizer.state_dict(), scheduler=(self.lr_scheduler.state_dict() if self.lr_scheduler is not None else None), system_rng=random.getstate(), numpy_rng=np.random.get_state(), torch_rng=torch.random.get_rng_state(), ), str(ckpt_path)) else:, str(ckpt_path)) meta_dict[checkpoint_name] = { "status": self.status, "timestamp": timestamp, } with"wb") as f: pickle.dump(meta_dict, f) self.write_log(f"Current checkpoint saved to {ckpt_path}", mode="info")
[docs] def load(self, path: Optional[str] = None, load_training_state: bool = True, allow_failure: bool = False) -> Optional[Path]: r"""Load a previous model checkpoint from file. Args: path (str, optional): Path to a specific checkpoint or a checkpoint directory. If a directory is specified, the most recent checkpoint in the directory is loaded. If `None`, :attr:`checkpoint_dir` in the constructor arguments will be used. Defaults to `None`. load_training_state (bool): If `True`, will load entire training state from checkpoint (if the checkpoint contains training state). Otherwise, just load model weights. Defaults to `True`. allow_failure (bool): If `True`, no exceptions will be raised if no checkpoints were found. Defaults to `False`. Note that exceptions are still raised if the provided :attr:`path` does not exist, or the selected checkpoint is corrupted. Returns: Path of the loaded checkpoint, or `None` if load failed. """ if path is not None: ckpt_path = Path(path) elif self.checkpoint_dir is not None: ckpt_path = self.checkpoint_dir else: raise ValueError( "`path` must be specified when `checkpoint_dir` is `None`") if ckpt_path.is_dir(): try: meta_path = ckpt_path / self._CHECKPOINT_METAINFO_FILE if meta_path.exists(): with"rb") as f: meta_dict = pickle.load(f) best_metric, best_m_time, best_ckpt_name = max( (utils.MetricList(info["status"]["eval_metric"]), info["timestamp"], name) for name, info in meta_dict.items()) status = meta_dict[best_ckpt_name]["status"] ckpt_path = ckpt_path / best_ckpt_name metric_vals = [(name, best_metric.values[name]) for name in best_metric.metrics] metric_str = ", ".join( f"{name}: " + ( f"{value:.3f}" if isinstance(value, float) else f"{value}") for name, value in metric_vals) time_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(best_m_time).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") load_info_str = (f"saved at: {time_str}, " f"meta-info: epoch={status['epoch']}, " f"iteration={status['iteration']}, " f"valid metrics={{{metric_str}}}") else: m_time, ckpt_path = max( (name.stat().st_mtime, name) for name in ckpt_path.iterdir() if name.suffix == self._CHECKPOINT_EXTENSION) time_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(m_time).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") load_info_str = f"saved at: {time_str}" self.write_log( "Checkpoint meta-info not found. Will load the most " "recent checkpoint in directory", mode="warning") except (EOFError, IOError, ValueError): # EOFError, IOError: pickle.load # ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence if allow_failure: return None raise else: load_info_str = "" checkpoint = torch.load(str(ckpt_path), map_location=self.device) if isinstance(checkpoint, utils.SavedTrainingState): self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint.model) if load_training_state: # TODO: Also somehow save/load data iterator state? if self.optimizer is not None: self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint.optimizer) if self.lr_scheduler is not None: assert checkpoint.scheduler is not None self.lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint.scheduler) random.setstate(checkpoint.system_rng) np.random.set_state(checkpoint.numpy_rng) torch.random.set_rng_state(checkpoint.torch_rng.cpu()) else: self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint) if load_info_str != "": self.write_log(f"Checkpoint ({load_info_str}) " f"loaded from {ckpt_path}.", mode="info") else: self.write_log(f"Checkpoint loaded from {ckpt_path}.", mode="info") return ckpt_path
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: r"""Terminate training. This method is intended to be called within actions. An example use case would be to implement a custom early-stopping mechanism. It is guaranteed that no other event points will be fired once :meth:`terminate` is called. However, conditions and actions under the same event point is still called. """ if not self._event_nested_layers: raise ValueError(f"terminate() should only be called " "within event actions") self._should_terminate = True
[docs] def remove_action(self) -> None: r"""Remove the current action being run. This method is intended to be called within actions. An example use case would be to implement an action that is only run once at a certain event point. """ if not self._event_nested_layers: raise ValueError(f"remove_action() should only be called " "within event actions") self._should_remove_current_action = True
[docs] def train(self): r"""Start the training loop. """ # Check whether files have been opened, to avoid re-opening and closing. # This could happen when, e.g., `test` is called in a registered hook # during training. opened_files = self._open_files() if self._directory_exists: self.write_log( f"Specified checkpoint directory '{self.checkpoint_dir}' " f"exists, previous checkpoints might be erased", mode="warning") if len(self._stop_training_conditions) == 0: self.write_log( "`stop_training_on` is not configured. Unless an event action " "calls `executor.terminate()`, training will run indefinitely.", mode='warning') # Initialize optimizer. if self.optimizer is None: raise ValueError("Optimizer is not specified") self.optimizer.zero_grad() # Initialize dataset. if self.train_data is None: raise ValueError("No training dataset is specified") iterator = DataIterator(self.train_data, self.batching_strategy) if len(self._valid_conditions) > 0: if self.valid_data is None: raise ValueError("Validation will be performed, but no " "validation dataset is specified.") self.status["split"] = "train" self._fire_event(Event.Training, False) self.write_log("Training started", mode="info") if self._print_model_arch: # TODO: Also somehow gather training settings? model_repr = utils.repr_module(self.model) self.write_log(f"Model architecture:\n{model_repr}", mode="info") self.model.train() try: data_size: Optional[int] = len(self.train_data) except TypeError: # Try again after one epoch. If still doesn't work, it's not going # to work ever. def _try_get_data_size(executor: 'Executor'): assert executor.train_data is not None try: # pylint: disable=protected-access size = len(executor.train_data) executor._train_tracker.set_size(size) except TypeError: pass executor.remove_action() self._register_hook((Event.Epoch, True), _try_get_data_size) data_size = None self._train_tracker.set_size(data_size) # Main training loop. self._train_tracker.start() try: self._train_loop(iterator) except utils.ExecutorTerminateSignal: self.write_log("Training terminated", mode='info') finally: self._train_tracker.stop() self._fire_event(Event.Training, True) # Close the log files if we opened them here. if opened_files: self._close_files()
[docs] def test(self, dataset: OptionalDict[DatasetBase] = None): r"""Start the test loop. Args: dataset (optional): The dataset(s) to test on. Acceptable values include: - A single :attr:`` instance. - A list of :attr:`` instances. - A dictionary mapping names to :attr:`` instances. If `None`, :attr:`test_data` from the constructor arguments is used. Defaults to `None`. """ # Check whether files have been opened, to avoid re-opening and closing. # This could happen when, e.g., `test` is called in a registered hook # during training. opened_files = self._open_files() if dataset is None and self.test_data is None: raise ValueError("No testing dataset is specified") if len(self.test_metrics) == 0: raise ValueError( "No testing metric is specified. Validation metrics are not " "used due to different modes for validation and test") datasets = (self.test_data if dataset is None else utils.to_dict(dataset, default_name="test")) model_mode = self.model.train(self.test_mode == "train") for name, data in datasets.items(): self.status["split"] = name # Initialize metrics. for metric in self.test_metrics.values(): metric.reset() self._fire_event(Event.Testing, False) if self.test_mode == "eval": iterator = DataIterator(data, self.batching_strategy) else: iterator = DataIterator(data) try: data_size: Optional[int] = len(data) except TypeError: data_size = None self._test_tracker.set_size(data_size) self._test_tracker.start() try: with torch.no_grad(): self._test_loop(iterator) except utils.ExecutorTerminateSignal: self.write_log( "Testing terminated. This is likely unintended. Please " "check your custom actions.", mode='warning') finally: self._test_tracker.stop() self._fire_event(Event.Testing, True) self.model.train(model_mode) # Close the log files if we opened them here. if opened_files: self._close_files()
def _finalize_metrics(self, metrics: 'OrderedDict[str, Metric]'): # Call `finalize()` on all metrics at the end of training epoch, # validation, or test. for metric in metrics.values(): metric.finalize(self) def _register_logging_actions(self, show_live_progress: List[str]): # Register logging actions. Points = Sequence[Union[Condition, Event]] LogFn = Callable[['Executor'], str] def _register(points: Points, fn: ActionFn): for cond_or_event in points: if isinstance(cond_or_event, Condition): self._register_action(cond_or_event, fn) else: self._register_hook((cond_or_event, True), fn) def _register_log_fn(points: Points, logging_fn: LogFn, **log_kwargs): def log_fn(executor: 'Executor'): executor.write_log( logging_fn(executor), mode="log", **log_kwargs) _register(points, log_fn) def _flush_log_hook(executor: 'Executor'): # pylint: disable=protected-access executor._write_log("", skip_non_tty=True) def _register_status_fn(update_event: Event, log_fn: LogFn): def status_fn(executor: 'Executor'): executor.set_status_line(log_fn(executor)) self._register_hook((update_event, True), status_fn) if "train" in show_live_progress: # Training progress is displayed by writing the log string after # every iteration, and clearing the line. In this case, when a # normal log condition is triggered, a newline character is simply # printed. However, this applies to terminal output only, so we # revert to the original approach for files. train_log_fn = self._create_logging_fn( self.log_format, self.train_metrics, self._train_tracker, warn_non_streaming_metric=True) _register_status_fn(Event.Iteration, train_log_fn) for cond in self._log_conditions: self._register_action(cond, _flush_log_hook) _register_log_fn(self._log_conditions, train_log_fn, skip_tty=True) else: train_log_fn = self._create_logging_fn( self.log_format, self.train_metrics, self._train_tracker) _register_log_fn(self._log_conditions, train_log_fn) def _register_eval_log_fn(name: str, metrics: 'OrderedDict[str, Metric]', tracker: utils.ProgressTracker, log_format: str, progress_log_format: str, update_event: Event, end_event: Event): log_fn = self._create_logging_fn(log_format, metrics, tracker) if name in show_live_progress: progress_log_fn = self._create_logging_fn( progress_log_format, metrics, tracker, warn_non_streaming_metric=True) _register_status_fn(update_event, progress_log_fn) def erase_status_and_log_fn(executor: 'Executor'): # Compute metrics before erasing status line, so there won't # be a blank period. log_str = log_fn(executor) executor.set_status_line(None) executor.write_log(log_str, mode="log") self._register_hook((end_event, True), erase_status_and_log_fn) else: _register_log_fn([end_event], log_fn) _register_eval_log_fn( "valid", self.valid_metrics, self._valid_tracker, self.valid_log_format, self.valid_progress_log_format, Event.ValidationIteration, Event.Validation) _register_eval_log_fn( "test", self.test_metrics, self._test_tracker, self.test_log_format, self.test_progress_log_format, Event.TestingIteration, Event.Testing) def _register_tbx_logging_actions(self): # Register logging actions. Points = Sequence[Union[Condition, Event]] def _register(points: Points, fn: ActionFn): for cond_or_event in points: if isinstance(cond_or_event, Condition): self._register_action(cond_or_event, fn) else: self._register_hook((cond_or_event, True), fn) def tbx_train_log_fn(executor: 'Executor'): assert self.summary_writer is not None train_metrics = executor.train_metrics for key, value in train_metrics.items(): self.summary_writer.add_scalar( f"train/{key}", value.value(), executor.status["iteration"]) def tbx_valid_log_fn(executor: 'Executor'): assert self.summary_writer is not None valid_metrics = executor.valid_metrics for key, value in valid_metrics.items(): self.summary_writer.add_scalar( f"valid/{key}", value.value(), executor.status["iteration"]) _register(self._tbx_logging_conditions, tbx_train_log_fn) _register(self._valid_conditions, tbx_valid_log_fn)
[docs] def _write_log(self, log_str: str, skip_tty: bool = False, skip_non_tty: bool = False, newline: bool = True, clear_line: bool = False): r"""Write a string to log. Args: log_str (str): The string to log. skip_tty: If `True`, the log string will not be written to terminal log destinations. Defaults to `False`. skip_non_tty: If `True`, the log string will not be written to non-terminal (e.g., files) destinations. Defaults to `False`. newline: If `True`, print a newline character after printing the log string. Defaults to `True`. clear_line: If `True`, clear the line before printing. This only works for terminals. Defaults to `False`. """ if not skip_tty: for dest, isatty in zip( self._log_destination, self._log_destination_is_tty): if not isatty: continue if clear_line: dest.write(utils.CLEAR_LINE) if (self._tty_ncols is not None and self._status_line_str is not None): n_cols = self._tty_ncols(dest.fileno()) status_len = len(self._status_line_str) n_lines = (status_len - 1) // n_cols + 1 if n_lines > 1: dest.write(self._tty_move_up * (n_lines - 1)) dest.write(log_str) if newline: dest.write("\n") dest.flush() if not skip_non_tty: plain_str = re.sub(r"\033\[\d{1,2}[Km]", "", log_str) for dest, isatty in zip( self._log_destination, self._log_destination_is_tty): if isatty: continue # Erase color codes if the destination is not a terminal. dest.write(plain_str) if newline: dest.write("\n") dest.flush()
[docs] def _create_logging_fn(self, format_str: str, metrics: 'OrderedDict[str, Metric]', tracker: utils.ProgressTracker, warn_non_streaming_metric: bool = False) \ -> Callable[['Executor'], str]: r"""Given a logging format string, create a function that takes the executor instance as argument and returns the logging string. Args: format_str (str): The logging format string. metrics: The metrics dictionary that will be used in the logging hook function. tracker: The progress tracker that will be used in the logging hook function. warn_non_streaming_metric (bool): If `True`, will issue a warning if any of the provided metric is not a :class:``. Defaults to `False`. This is set to `True` when the logging string is used as the status line. Returns: A hook function to print logs given the format string. Note that the hook function can accept additional arguments to pass to :meth:`executor.write_log`, allowing it to be used in combination with :meth:`functools.partial`. """ format_var_regex = re.compile(r"{([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)(:([^{}]+))?}") format_vars: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = { for match in format_var_regex.finditer(format_str) } # Set default time format. if "time" in format_vars and format_vars["time"] is None: format_vars["time"] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" format_str = re.sub(r"{time(:([^{}]+))?}", "{time}", format_str) # Set metric print formats for aggregated format variable. if "metric" in format_vars and format_vars["metric"] is not None: if warn_non_streaming_metric: # Check if any metrics are non-streaming. for name, metric in metrics.items(): if not isinstance(metric, StreamingMetric): self.write_log( f"Metric \"{name}\" (`{metric.__class__.__name__}`)" f" is not a StreamingMetric, which may cause " f"performance issues", mode="warning") # Check which metrics can be printed with specified format. fmt_metrics: Set[str] = set() metrics_to_keep: List[str] = [] metric_format = format_vars["metric"] for name, metric in metrics.items(): try: value = metric.value() if value is None: continue # skip non-meaningful metrics metrics_to_keep.append(name) metric_format.format(metric.value()) fmt_metrics.add(name) except ValueError: pass metric_format_parts = [] for name in metrics_to_keep: metric_format_parts.append( f"{name}: {{{name}" f"{':' + metric_format if name in fmt_metrics else ''}}}") metric_format_str = ', '.join(metric_format_parts) format_vars["metric"] = metric_format_str format_str = re.sub(r"{metric(:([^{}]+))?}", "{metric}", format_str) # Gather metrics represented as "name" or "". metrics_to_print: Set[str] = set() for name in format_vars: if name in self.status or name in ["time", "progress", "speed"]: # built-in name pass elif name in metrics: metrics_to_print.add(name) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid status variable name '{name}' in format string") format_str_wo_progress = re.sub( r"{progress(:([^{}]+))?}", "{progress}", format_str) @no_type_check def log_fn(executor: 'Executor') -> str: format_args = executor.status.copy() cur_format_str = format_str if "time" in format_vars: format_args["time"] = time.strftime(format_vars["time"]) if "metric" in format_vars: metric_vals = { name: metric.value() for name, metric in metrics.items()} metric_str = format_vars["metric"].format(**metric_vals) format_args["metric"] = metric_str if "speed" in format_vars: format_args["speed"] = tracker.speed() if "progress" in format_vars: progress = tracker.progress() if progress is not None: if format_vars["progress"] is None: progress = round(progress, 1) format_args["progress"] = progress else: cur_format_str = format_str_wo_progress format_args["progress"] = "unknown" format_args.update({ name: metrics[name].value() for name in metrics_to_print}) log_str = cur_format_str.format(**format_args) return log_str return log_fn
def _register_action(self, cond: Condition, action: ActionFn): for event_point in cond.hooks: self._register_hook(event_point, action, cond) def _register_hook(self, event_point: EventPoint, action: ActionFn, cond: Optional[Condition] = None): # TODO: Check if a nested condition contains something that is already # registered. try: self._hooks[event_point][cond].append(action) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Specified hook point {event_point} is invalid") from None def _open_files(self) -> bool: # Returns whether the files are opened. This is useful when there are # calls to `_open_files` in nested events -- only the top-level event # should close the files. if self._files_opened: # Files are already open. return False self._opened_files = [] for idx, dest in enumerate(self.log_destination): if isinstance(dest, (str, Path)): # Append to the logs to prevent accidentally overwriting # previous logs. file = open(dest, "a") self._opened_files.append(file) self._log_destination[idx] = file else: self._log_destination[idx] = dest if self._tbx_logging_dir is not None: try: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter except ImportError: print( "To use Tensorboard support with Executor, please " "install tensorboardX. Please see " " for further " "details") raise self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(self._tbx_logging_dir) self._files_opened = True return True def _close_files(self): if not self._files_opened: return for file in self._opened_files: file.close() self._opened_files = [] if self.summary_writer is not None: self.summary_writer.close() self._files_opened = False
[docs] def _fire_event(self, event: Event, end: bool): r"""Signal the beginning or end of an event. Internally, this is where conditions are checked and actions are executed. Args: event: The |Event| to fire. end: If `True`, the fired event point is the end of :attr:`event`. If `False`, the fired event point is the beginning of :attr:`event`. :raises: If any triggered action calls :meth:`terminate`, :exc:`` is thrown after all conditions are checked and actions executed. """ self._event_nested_layers += 1 _remove_count = 0 _conds_to_remove: List[Optional[Condition]] = [] for cond, actions in self._hooks[(event, end)].items(): # If condition is `None` (raw function hooks), action always # triggers. should_trigger = True if cond is not None: should_trigger = cond.hooks[(event, end)](self) if self._should_remove_current_action: self._should_remove_current_action = False _conds_to_remove.append(cond) if should_trigger: for idx, action in enumerate(actions): action(self) if self._should_remove_current_action: # Rebind `actions` variable and assign to _hooks. This # does not affect the current for-loop over `actions`. self._should_remove_current_action = False index = idx - _remove_count _remove_count += 1 actions = actions[:index] + actions[(index + 1):] if len(actions) == 0: _conds_to_remove.append(cond) else: self._hooks[(event, end)][cond] = actions for cond in _conds_to_remove: del self._hooks[(event, end)][cond] self._event_nested_layers -= 1 if self._should_terminate: self._should_terminate = False raise utils.ExecutorTerminateSignal
[docs] def _validate_step(self, batch: Batch): r"""Perform one step of validation, i.e., perform a forward pass (or decoding, depending on :attr:`validate_mode`) for a single batch. Args: batch: The batch to validate on. Returns: The dictionary containing values returned by the model. This is used to compute metrics. """ if self.validate_mode == 'predict': return_dict = self.model.predict(batch) # type: ignore else: return_dict = self.model(batch) return return_dict
[docs] def _test_step(self, batch: Batch): r"""Perform one step of testing, i.e., perform a forward pass (or decoding, depending on :attr:`test_mode`) for a single batch. Args: batch: The batch to test on. Returns: The dictionary containing values returned by the model. This is used to compute metrics. """ if self.test_mode == 'predict': return_dict = self.model.predict(batch) # type: ignore else: return_dict = self.model(batch) return return_dict
[docs] def _train_step(self, batch: Batch): r"""Perform one step of training, i.e., perform a forward and backward pass for a single batch. Parameter updates should also be performed when necessary. Args: batch: The batch to train on. Returns: The dictionary containing values returned by the model. This is used to compute metrics. """ return_dict = self.model(batch) try: loss = return_dict['loss'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Return dictionary from model does not " "contain 'loss' entry") loss = loss / self.num_iters_per_update loss.backward() if (self.num_iters_per_update == 1 or self.status["iteration"] % self.num_iters_per_update == 0): self._fire_event(Event.ParameterUpdate, False) if self.grad_clip is not None: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( self.model.parameters(), self.grad_clip) self.optimizer.step() # type: ignore if self.lr_scheduler is not None: self.lr_scheduler.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() # type: ignore self._fire_event(Event.ParameterUpdate, True) return return_dict
[docs] def _train_loop(self, iterator: DataIterator) -> None: r"""Run the entire training loop given the data iterator. Args: iterator: The iterator over the training data. """ epoch = 0 iteration = 0 # Initialize metrics. for metric in self.train_metrics.values(): metric.reset() while True: epoch += 1 self.status["epoch"] = epoch self._fire_event(Event.Epoch, False) for batch in iterator: self._fire_event(Event.Iteration, False) iteration += 1 self.status["iteration"] = iteration return_dict = self._train_step(batch) self._train_tracker.add(len(batch)) utils.update_metrics(return_dict, batch, self.train_metrics) self._fire_event(Event.Iteration, True) self._finalize_metrics(self.train_metrics) self._fire_event(Event.Epoch, True) self._train_tracker.reset()
[docs] def _validate_loop(self, iterator: DataIterator) -> None: r"""Run the validation loop given the data iterator. Args: iterator: The iterator over the validation data. """ for batch in iterator: self._fire_event(Event.ValidationIteration, False) return_dict = self._validate_step(batch) self._valid_tracker.add(len(batch)) utils.update_metrics(return_dict, batch, self.valid_metrics) self._fire_event(Event.ValidationIteration, True) self._finalize_metrics(self.valid_metrics)
[docs] def _test_loop(self, iterator: DataIterator) -> None: r"""Run the entire testing loop given the data iterator. Args: iterator: The iterator over the test data. """ for batch in iterator: self._fire_event(Event.TestingIteration, False) return_dict = self._test_step(batch) self._test_tracker.add(len(batch)) utils.update_metrics(return_dict, batch, self.test_metrics) self._fire_event(Event.TestingIteration, True) self._finalize_metrics(self.test_metrics)
def _validate(self) -> None: if self.valid_data is None: raise ValueError("Validation data not specified.") self._fire_event(Event.Validation, False) # Initialize metrics. for metric in self.valid_metrics.values(): metric.reset() if self.validate_mode == "eval": iterator = DataIterator(self.valid_data, self.batching_strategy) else: iterator = DataIterator(self.valid_data) try: data_size: Optional[int] = len(self.valid_data) except TypeError: data_size = None self._valid_tracker.set_size(data_size) model_mode = self.model.train(self.test_mode == "train") prev_split = self.status["split"] self.status["split"] = "valid" # Main validation loop. self._valid_tracker.start() try: with torch.no_grad(): self._validate_loop(iterator) except utils.ExecutorTerminateSignal: self.write_log( "Validation terminated. This is likely unintended. Please " "check your custom actions.", mode='warning') finally: self._valid_tracker.stop() self._fire_event(Event.Validation, True) # Restore status values. self.status["split"] = prev_split self.model.train(model_mode)