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Conditions for the Executor module.

import functools
import types
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, auto
from time import time as time_now
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

from import MetricList
from texar.torch.utils.types import MaybeTuple

# pylint: disable=unused-argument

__all__ = [

[docs]class Event(Enum): Iteration = auto() Epoch = auto() Training = auto() Validation = auto() ValidationIteration = auto() Testing = auto() TestingIteration = auto() ParameterUpdate = auto()
EventPoint = Tuple[Event, bool]
[docs]class Condition(ABC): _hooks: Dict[EventPoint, Any] @property @abstractmethod def _hash_attributes(self) -> MaybeTuple[Any]: raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Condition): return False return self._hash_attributes == other._hash_attributes # pylint: disable=protected-access def __hash__(self): return hash(self._hash_attributes) @property def hooks(self) -> Dict[EventPoint, Any]: return self._hooks def __init__(self): self._hooks = {} for hook_name in dir(self): if not hook_name.startswith("check_"): continue name = hook_name if name.endswith("_begin"): name = name[6:-6] point = False elif name.endswith("_end"): name = name[6:-4] point = True else: raise ValueError( "Final part of hook name must be 'begin' or 'end'") if name not in Event.__members__: name = ''.join(x.capitalize() for x in name.split("_")) if name not in Event.__members__: raise ValueError( f"Hook name '{hook_name}' is not a valid event") event = Event.__members__[name] self._hooks[(event, point)] = getattr(self, hook_name)
[docs]class epoch(Condition): r"""Triggers when the specified number of epochs has ended. Args: num_epochs (int): The number of epochs to wait before triggering the event. In other words, the event is triggered every :attr:`num_epochs` epochs. """ def __init__(self, num_epochs: int = 1): if not isinstance(num_epochs, int) or num_epochs <= 0: raise ValueError("`num_epochs` must be a positive integer") super().__init__() self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.count = 0 @property def _hash_attributes(self): return self.num_epochs def check_epoch_end(self, executor) -> bool: self.count += 1 if self.count == self.num_epochs: self.count = 0 return True return False
[docs]class iteration(Condition): r"""Triggers when the specified number of iterations had ended. Args: num_iters (int): The number of iterations to wait before triggering the event. In other words, the event is triggered every :attr:`num_iters` iterations. mode (str): The mode under which iterations are counted. Available choices are ``"train"``, ``"valid"``, and ``"test"``. Defaults to ``"train"``. """ def __new__(cls, num_iters: int = 1, mode: str = "train"): obj = super().__new__(cls) # pylint: disable=protected-access if mode == "train": obj.check_iteration_end = obj._check_iteration_end elif mode == "valid": obj.check_validation_iteration_end = obj._check_iteration_end elif mode == "test": obj.check_testing_iteration_end = obj._check_iteration_end else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode {mode}") # pylint: enable=protected-access return obj def __init__(self, num_iters: int = 1, mode: str = "train"): if not isinstance(num_iters, int) or num_iters <= 0: raise ValueError("`num_iters` must be a positive integer") super().__init__() self.num_iters = num_iters self.count = 0 @property def _hash_attributes(self): return self.num_iters def _check_iteration_end(self, executor) -> bool: self.count += 1 if self.count == self.num_iters: self.count = 0 return True return False
[docs]class validation(Condition): r"""Triggers when validation ends, and optionally checks if validation results improve or worsen. Args: num_validations (int): The number of validations to wait before triggering the event. In other words, the event is triggered every :attr:`num_validations` validations. better (bool, optional): If `True`, this event only triggers when validation results improve; if `False`, only triggers when results worsen. Defaults to `None`, in which case the event triggers regardless of results. """ def __init__(self, num_validations: int = 1, better: Optional[bool] = None): if not isinstance(num_validations, int) or num_validations <= 0: raise ValueError("`num_validations` must be a positive integer") super().__init__() self.num_valids = num_validations self.count = 0 self.better = better self.prev_result: Optional[MetricList] = None @property def _hash_attributes(self): return self.num_valids, self.better def check_validation_end(self, executor) -> bool: self.count += 1 if self.count < self.num_valids: return False self.count = 0 if self.better is None: return True metrics = executor.status["eval_metric"] cur_result = MetricList(metrics) if self.prev_result is not None: better = cur_result > self.prev_result else: better = True if better: self.prev_result = cur_result return better == self.better
[docs]class consecutive(Condition): r"""Triggers when the specified condition passes checks for several times consecutively. For example: :python:`consecutive(validation(better=False), times=3)` would trigger if validation results do not improve for 3 times in a row. .. warning:: This method works by calling the inner condition at each event point that it registers. The consecutive counter is reset to zero if any check returns `False`. Thus, the behavior of :class:`consecutive` might be different to what you expect. For instance: - :python:`cond.consecutive(cond.iteration(1), n_times)` is equivalent to :python:`cond.iteration(n_times)`. - :python:`cond.consecutive(cond.iteration(2), n_times)` will never trigger. It is recommended against using :class:`consecutive` for conditions except :class:`validation`. You should also be careful when implementing custom conditions for using with :class:`consecutive`. .. warning:: Conditions are stateful objects. Using a registered condition as the inner condition here could result in unexpected behaviors. For example: .. code-block:: python my_cond = cond.validation(better=True) executor.on(my_cond, some_action) executor.on(cond.consecutive(my_cond, 2), some_other_action) In the code above, if no other conditions are registered, :python:`some_other_action` will never be called. This is because both conditions are checked at the end of each iteration, but the :class:`consecutive` condition internally checks :python:`my_cond`, which has already updated the previous best result that it stored. As a result, the check will never succeed. Args: cond: The base condition to check. times (int): The number of times the base condition should pass checks consecutively. clear_after_trigger (bool): Whether the counter should be cleared after the event is triggered. If :attr:`clear_after_trigger` is set to `False`, once this event is triggered, it will trigger every time :attr:`cond` is triggered, until :attr:`cond` fails to trigger at some point. Defaults to `True`. """ def __init__(self, cond: Condition, times: int, clear_after_trigger: bool = True): super().__init__() self.cond = cond self.times = times self.count = 0 self.clear_after_trigger = clear_after_trigger for hook_point, method in self.cond.hooks.items(): self._hooks[hook_point] = self._create_check_method(method) @property def _hash_attributes(self): return self.cond, self.times, self.clear_after_trigger def _create_check_method(self, method): @functools.wraps(method) def check_fn(self, executor) -> bool: if method(executor): self.count += 1 if self.count >= self.times: if self.clear_after_trigger: self.count = 0 return True else: self.count = 0 return False return types.MethodType(check_fn, self)
[docs]class once(Condition): r"""Triggers only when the specified condition triggers for the first time. Internally, this condition calls the :meth:`` method to remove itself from the registered actions. For example: :python:`once(iteration(5))` would only trigger on the 5th epoch of the entire training loop. .. warning:: Conditions are stateful objects. Using a registered condition as the inner condition here could result in unexpected behaviors. Please refer to :class:`consecutive` for a concrete example. Args: cond: The base condition to check. """ def __init__(self, cond: Condition): super().__init__() self.cond = cond for hook_point, method in self.cond.hooks.items(): self._hooks[hook_point] = self._create_check_method(method) @property def _hash_attributes(self): return self.cond def _create_check_method(self, method): @functools.wraps(method) def check_fn(self, executor) -> bool: if method(executor): executor.remove_action() return True return False return types.MethodType(check_fn, self)
[docs]class time(Condition): def __init__(self, *, hours: Optional[float] = None, minutes: Optional[float] = None, seconds: Optional[float] = None, only_training: bool = True): super().__init__() self.seconds = 0.0 if hours is not None: self.seconds += hours * 3600.0 if minutes is not None: self.seconds += minutes * 60.0 if seconds is not None: self.seconds += seconds self.only_training = only_training self.start_time: Optional[float] = None self.accumulated_time = 0.0 @property def _hash_attributes(self): return self.seconds, self.only_training def _should_trigger(self) -> bool: total_time = self.accumulated_time if self.start_time is None: cur_time = None else: cur_time = time_now() total_time += cur_time - self.start_time self.start_time = cur_time if total_time >= self.seconds: self.accumulated_time = 0.0 return True else: self.accumulated_time = total_time return False def check_training_begin(self, executor) -> bool: self.start_time = time_now() return False def check_training_end(self, executor) -> bool: return self._should_trigger() def check_validation_begin(self, executor) -> bool: if self.only_training and self.start_time is not None: self.accumulated_time += time_now() - self.start_time self.start_time = None return self._should_trigger() def check_validation_end(self, executor) -> bool: if self.only_training: self.start_time = time_now() return False else: return self._should_trigger() def check_testing_begin(self, executor) -> bool: if self.only_training and self.start_time is not None: self.accumulated_time += time_now() - self.start_time self.start_time = None return self._should_trigger() def check_testing_end(self, executor) -> bool: if self.only_training: self.start_time = time_now() return False else: return self._should_trigger() def check_iteration_end(self, executor) -> bool: return self._should_trigger()