Source code for texar.torch.modules.encoders.rnn_encoders

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Various RNN encoders.

from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from texar.torch.core import layers
from texar.torch.core.cell_wrappers import LSTMCell, RNNCellBase
from texar.torch.hyperparams import HParams
from texar.torch.modules.encoders.encoder_base import EncoderBase
from texar.torch.modules.networks.conv_networks import _to_list
from texar.torch.utils.rnn import bidirectional_dynamic_rnn, dynamic_rnn
from texar.torch.utils.shapes import mask_sequences

__all__ = [

State = TypeVar('State')

def _default_output_layer_hparams() -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return {
        "num_layers": 0,
        "layer_size": 128,
        "activation": "Identity",
        "final_layer_activation": None,
        "other_dense_kwargs": None,
        "dropout_layer_ids": [],
        "dropout_rate": 0.5,
        "variational_dropout": False,
        "@no_typecheck": ["activation", "final_layer_activation",
                          "layer_size", "dropout_layer_ids"]

def _build_dense_output_layer(cell_output_size: int,
                              hparams: HParams) -> Optional[nn.Sequential]:
    r"""Build the output layers.

        cell_output_size: The output size of the rnn cell.
        hparams (dict or HParams): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters
            will be set to default values. See
            :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and
            default values.

        A :torch_nn:`Sequential` module containing the output layers.
    nlayers = hparams.num_layers

    if nlayers <= 0:
        return None

    layer_size = _to_list(
        hparams.layer_size, 'output_layer.layer_size', nlayers)

    dropout_layer_ids = _to_list(hparams.dropout_layer_ids)

    other_kwargs = hparams.other_dense_kwargs or {}
    if isinstance(other_kwargs, HParams):
        other_kwargs = other_kwargs.todict()
    if not isinstance(other_kwargs, dict):
        raise ValueError(
            "hparams 'output_layer.other_dense_kwargs' must be a dict.")

    output_layers: List[nn.Module] = []
    for i in range(nlayers):
        if i in dropout_layer_ids:
            # TODO: Variational dropout is not implemented.

        dense_layer = nn.Linear(in_features=(cell_output_size if i == 0
                                             else layer_size[i - 1]),
                                out_features=layer_size[i], **other_kwargs)


        if i == nlayers - 1:
            activation = hparams.final_layer_activation
            activation = hparams.activation

        if activation is not None:
            layer_hparams = {"type": activation, "kwargs": {}}
            activation_layer = layers.get_layer(hparams=layer_hparams)

    if nlayers in dropout_layer_ids:

    return nn.Sequential(*output_layers)

def _forward_output_layers(
        inputs: torch.Tensor,
        output_layer: Optional[nn.Module],
        time_major: bool,
        sequence_length: Optional[Union[torch.LongTensor, List[int]]] = None) \
        -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, int]:
    r"""Forwards inputs through the output layers.

        inputs: A Tensor of shape ``[batch_size, max_time] + input_size`` if
            :attr:`time_major` is `False`, or shape
            ``[max_time, batch_size] + input_size`` if :attr:`time_major` is
        output_layer (optional): :torch_nn:`Sequential` or :torch_nn:`Module`
            of output layers.
        time_major (bool): The shape format of the :attr:`inputs` and
            :attr:`outputs` Tensors. If `True`, these tensors are of shape
            `[max_time, batch_size, input_size]`. If `False` (default),
            these tensors are of shape `[batch_size, max_time, input_size]`.
        sequence_length (optional): A 1D :tensor:`LongTensor` of shape
            ``[batch_size]``. Sequence lengths of the batch inputs. Used to
            copy-through state and zero-out outputs when past a batch element's
            sequence length.

        A pair :attr:`(outputs, outputs_size), where

        - :attr:`outputs`: A Tensor of shape
        `[batch_size, max_time] + outputs_size`.

        - :attr:`outputs_size`: An `int` representing the output size.
    if output_layer is None:
        return inputs, inputs.shape[-1]

    output = output_layer(inputs)

    if sequence_length is not None:
        output = mask_sequences(output, sequence_length, time_major=time_major)

    output_size = output.shape[-1]

    return output, output_size

[docs]class RNNEncoderBase(EncoderBase, Generic[State]): r"""Base class for all RNN encoder classes to inherit. Args: hparams (dict or HParams, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and default values. """
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "name": "rnn_encoder" } """ return { 'name': 'rnn_encoder' }
[docs]class UnidirectionalRNNEncoder(RNNEncoderBase[State]): r"""One directional RNN encoder. Args: input_size (int): The number of expected features in the input for the cell. cell: (RNNCell, optional) If not specified, a cell is created as specified in :attr:`hparams["rnn_cell"]`. output_layer (optional): An instance of :torch_nn:`Module`. Applies to the RNN cell output of each step. If `None` (default), the output layer is created as specified in :attr:`hparams["output_layer"]`. hparams (dict or HParams, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and default values. See :meth:`forward` for the inputs and outputs of the encoder. Example: .. code-block:: python # Use with embedder embedder = WordEmbedder(vocab_size, hparams=emb_hparams) encoder = UnidirectionalRNNEncoder(hparams=enc_hparams) outputs, final_state = encoder( inputs=embedder(data_batch['text_ids']), sequence_length=data_batch['length']) .. document private functions """ _cell: RNNCellBase[State] def __init__(self, input_size: int, cell: Optional[RNNCellBase[State]] = None, output_layer: Optional[nn.Module] = None, hparams=None): super().__init__(hparams=hparams) # Make RNN cell if cell is not None: self._cell = cell else: self._cell = layers.get_rnn_cell(input_size, self._hparams.rnn_cell) # Make output layer self._output_layer: Optional[nn.Module] if output_layer is not None: self._output_layer = output_layer self._output_layer_hparams = None else: self._output_layer = _build_dense_output_layer( self._cell.hidden_size, self._hparams.output_layer) self._output_layer_hparams = self._hparams.output_layer
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams() -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "rnn_cell": default_rnn_cell_hparams(), "output_layer": { "num_layers": 0, "layer_size": 128, "activation": "identity", "final_layer_activation": None, "other_dense_kwargs": None, "dropout_layer_ids": [], "dropout_rate": 0.5, "variational_dropout": False }, "name": "unidirectional_rnn_encoder" } Here: `"rnn_cell"`: dict A dictionary of RNN cell hyperparameters. Ignored if :attr:`cell` is given to the encoder constructor. The default value is defined in :func:`~texar.torch.core.default_rnn_cell_hparams`. `"output_layer"`: dict Output layer hyperparameters. Ignored if :attr:`output_layer` is given to the encoder constructor. Includes: `"num_layers"`: int The number of output (dense) layers. Set to 0 to avoid any output layers applied to the cell outputs. `"layer_size"`: int or list The size of each of the output (dense) layers. If an `int`, each output layer will have the same size. If a list, the length must equal to :attr:`num_layers`. `"activation"`: str or callable or None Activation function for each of the output (dense) layer except for the final layer. This can be a function, or its string name or module path. If function name is given, the function must be from :mod:`torch.nn`. For example: .. code-block:: python "activation": "relu" # function name "activation": "my_module.my_activation_fn" # module path "activation": my_module.my_activation_fn # function Default is `None` which results in an identity activation. `"final_layer_activation"`: str or callable or None The activation function for the final output layer. `"other_dense_kwargs"`: dict or None Other keyword arguments to construct each of the output dense layers, e.g., ``bias``. See :torch_nn:`Linear` for the keyword arguments. `"dropout_layer_ids"`: int or list The indexes of layers (starting from 0) whose inputs are applied with dropout. The index = :attr:`num_layers` means dropout applies to the final layer output. For example, .. code-block:: python { "num_layers": 2, "dropout_layer_ids": [0, 2] } will leads to a series of layers as `-dropout-layer0-layer1-dropout-`. The dropout mode (training or not) is controlled by :attr:``. `"dropout_rate"`: float The dropout rate, between 0 and 1. For example, ``"dropout_rate": 0.1`` would zero out 10% of elements. `"variational_dropout"`: bool Whether the dropout mask is the same across all time steps. `"name"`: str Name of the encoder """ hparams = RNNEncoderBase.default_hparams() hparams.update({ "rnn_cell": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(), "output_layer": _default_output_layer_hparams(), "name": "unidirectional_rnn_encoder" }) return hparams
[docs] def forward(self, # type: ignore inputs: torch.Tensor, sequence_length: Optional[Union[torch.LongTensor, List[int]]] = None, initial_state: Optional[State] = None, time_major: bool = False, return_cell_output: bool = False, return_output_size: bool = False): r"""Encodes the inputs. Args: inputs: A 3D Tensor of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, dim]``. The first two dimensions :attr:`batch_size` and :attr:`max_time` are exchanged if :attr:`time_major` is `True`. sequence_length (optional): A 1D :tensor:`LongTensor` of shape ``[batch_size]``. Sequence lengths of the batch inputs. Used to copy-through state and zero-out outputs when past a batch element's sequence length. initial_state (optional): Initial state of the RNN. time_major (bool): The shape format of the :attr:`inputs` and :attr:`outputs` Tensors. If `True`, these tensors are of shape ``[max_time, batch_size, depth]``. If `False` (default), these tensors are of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, depth]``. return_cell_output (bool): Whether to return the output of the RNN cell. This is the results prior to the output layer. return_output_size (bool): Whether to return the size of the output (i.e., the results after output layers). Returns: - By default (both ``return_cell_output`` and ``return_output_size`` are `False`), returns a pair :attr:`(outputs, final_state)`, where - :attr:`outputs`: The RNN output tensor by the output layer (if exists) or the RNN cell (otherwise). The tensor is of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, output_size]`` if ``time_major`` is `False`, or ``[max_time, batch_size, output_size]`` if ``time_major`` is `True`. If RNN cell output is a (nested) tuple of Tensors, then the :attr:`outputs` will be a (nested) tuple having the same nest structure as the cell output. - :attr:`final_state`: The final state of the RNN, which is a Tensor of shape ``[batch_size] + cell.state_size`` or a (nested) tuple of Tensors if ``cell.state_size`` is a (nested) tuple. - If ``return_cell_output`` is True, returns a triple :attr:`(outputs, final_state, cell_outputs)` - :attr:`cell_outputs`: The outputs by the RNN cell prior to the output layer, having the same structure with :attr:`outputs` except for the ``output_dim``. - If ``return_output_size`` is `True`, returns a tuple :attr:`(outputs, final_state, output_size)` - :attr:`output_size`: A (possibly nested tuple of) int representing the size of :attr:`outputs`. If a single int or an int array, then ``outputs`` has shape ``[batch/time, time/batch] + output_size``. If a (nested) tuple, then ``output_size`` has the same structure as with ``outputs``. - If both ``return_cell_output`` and ``return_output_size`` are `True`, returns :attr:`(outputs, final_state, cell_outputs, output_size)`. """ cell_outputs, state = dynamic_rnn( cell=self._cell, inputs=inputs, sequence_length=sequence_length, initial_state=initial_state, time_major=time_major) outputs, output_size = _forward_output_layers( inputs=cell_outputs, output_layer=self._output_layer, time_major=time_major, sequence_length=sequence_length) rets = (outputs, state) if return_cell_output: rets += (cell_outputs,) # type: ignore if return_output_size: rets += (output_size,) # type: ignore return rets
@property def cell(self) -> RNNCellBase[State]: r"""The RNN cell. """ return self._cell @property def state_size(self) -> int: r"""The state size of encoder cell. Same as :attr:`encoder.cell.state_size`. """ if isinstance(self._cell, LSTMCell): return 2 * self._cell.hidden_size # type: ignore else: return self._cell.hidden_size @property def output_layer(self) -> Optional[nn.Module]: r"""The output layer. """ return self._output_layer @property def output_size(self) -> int: r"""The feature size of :meth:`forward` output :attr:`outputs`. If output layer does not exist, the feature size is equal to :attr:`encoder.cell.hidden_size`, otherwise the feature size is equal to last dimension value of output layer output size. """ # TODO: We will change the implementation to # something that does not require a forward pass. dim = self._cell.hidden_size if self._output_layer is not None: dummy_tensor = torch.Tensor(dim) dim = self._output_layer(dummy_tensor).size(-1) return dim
[docs]class BidirectionalRNNEncoder(RNNEncoderBase): r"""Bidirectional forward-backward RNN encoder. Args: cell_fw (RNNCell, optional): The forward RNN cell. If not given, a cell is created as specified in ``hparams["rnn_cell_fw"]``. cell_bw (RNNCell, optional): The backward RNN cell. If not given, a cell is created as specified in ``hparams["rnn_cell_bw"]``. output_layer_fw (optional): An instance of :torch_nn:`Module`. Apply to the forward RNN cell output of each step. If `None` (default), the output layer is created as specified in ``hparams["output_layer_fw"]``. output_layer_bw (optional): An instance of :torch_nn:`Module`. Apply to the backward RNN cell output of each step. If `None` (default), the output layer is created as specified in ``hparams["output_layer_bw"]``. hparams (dict or HParams, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and default values. See :meth:`forward` for the inputs and outputs of the encoder. Example: .. code-block:: python # Use with embedder embedder = WordEmbedder(vocab_size, hparams=emb_hparams) encoder = BidirectionalRNNEncoder(hparams=enc_hparams) outputs, final_state = encoder( inputs=embedder(data_batch['text_ids']), sequence_length=data_batch['length']) # outputs == (outputs_fw, outputs_bw) # final_state == (final_state_fw, final_state_bw) .. document private functions """ def __init__(self, input_size: int, cell_fw: Optional[RNNCellBase[State]] = None, cell_bw: Optional[RNNCellBase[State]] = None, output_layer_fw: Optional[nn.Module] = None, output_layer_bw: Optional[nn.Module] = None, hparams=None): super().__init__(hparams=hparams) # Make RNN cells if cell_fw is not None: self._cell_fw = cell_fw else: self._cell_fw = layers.get_rnn_cell(input_size, self._hparams.rnn_cell_fw) if cell_bw is not None: self._cell_bw = cell_bw elif self._hparams.rnn_cell_share_config: self._cell_bw = layers.get_rnn_cell(input_size, self._hparams.rnn_cell_fw) else: self._cell_bw = layers.get_rnn_cell(input_size, self._hparams.rnn_cell_bw) # Make output layers self.__output_layer_fw: Optional[nn.Module] if output_layer_fw is not None: self._output_layer_fw = output_layer_fw self._output_layer_hparams_fw = None else: self._output_layer_fw = _build_dense_output_layer( # type: ignore self._cell_fw.hidden_size, self._hparams.output_layer_fw) self._output_layer_hparams_fw = self._hparams.output_layer_fw self.__output_layer_bw: Optional[nn.Module] if output_layer_bw is not None: self._output_layer_bw = output_layer_bw self._output_layer_hparams_bw = None elif self._hparams.output_layer_share_config: self._output_layer_bw = _build_dense_output_layer( # type: ignore self._cell_bw.hidden_size, self._hparams.output_layer_fw) self._output_layer_hparams_bw = self._hparams.output_layer_fw else: self._output_layer_bw = _build_dense_output_layer( # type: ignore self._cell_bw.hidden_size, self._hparams.output_layer_bw) self._output_layer_hparams_bw = self._hparams.output_layer_bw
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams() -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "rnn_cell_fw": default_rnn_cell_hparams(), "rnn_cell_bw": default_rnn_cell_hparams(), "rnn_cell_share_config": True, "output_layer_fw": { "num_layers": 0, "layer_size": 128, "activation": "identity", "final_layer_activation": None, "other_dense_kwargs": None, "dropout_layer_ids": [], "dropout_rate": 0.5, "variational_dropout": False }, "output_layer_bw": { # Same hyperparams and default values as "output_layer_fw" # ... }, "output_layer_share_config": True, "name": "bidirectional_rnn_encoder" } Here: `"rnn_cell_fw"`: dict Hyperparameters of the forward RNN cell. Ignored if :attr:`cell_fw` is given to the encoder constructor. The default value is defined in :func:`~texar.torch.core.default_rnn_cell_hparams`. `"rnn_cell_bw"`: dict Hyperparameters of the backward RNN cell. Ignored if :attr:`cell_bw` is given to the encoder constructor, or if `"rnn_cell_share_config"` is `True`. The default value is defined in :meth:`~texar.torch.core.default_rnn_cell_hparams`. `"rnn_cell_share_config"`: bool Whether share hyperparameters of the backward cell with the forward cell. Note that the cell parameters (variables) are not shared. `"output_layer_fw"`: dict Hyperparameters of the forward output layer. Ignored if ``output_layer_fw`` is given to the constructor. See the ``"output_layer"`` field of :meth:`~texar.torch.modules.UnidirectionalRNNEncoder` for details. `"output_layer_bw"`: dict Hyperparameters of the backward output layer. Ignored if :attr:`output_layer_bw` is given to the constructor. Have the same structure and defaults with :attr:`"output_layer_fw"`. Ignored if ``output_layer_share_config`` is `True`. `"output_layer_share_config"`: bool Whether share hyperparameters of the backward output layer with the forward output layer. Note that the layer parameters (variables) are not shared. `"name"`: str Name of the encoder """ hparams = RNNEncoderBase.default_hparams() hparams.update({ "rnn_cell_fw": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(), "rnn_cell_bw": layers.default_rnn_cell_hparams(), "rnn_cell_share_config": True, "output_layer_fw": _default_output_layer_hparams(), "output_layer_bw": _default_output_layer_hparams(), "output_layer_share_config": True, "name": "bidirectional_rnn_encoder" }) return hparams
[docs] def forward(self, # type: ignore inputs: torch.Tensor, sequence_length: Optional[Union[torch.LongTensor, List[int]]] = None, initial_state_fw: Optional[State] = None, initial_state_bw: Optional[State] = None, time_major: bool = False, return_cell_output: bool = False, return_output_size: bool = False): r"""Encodes the inputs. Args: inputs: A 3D Tensor of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, dim]``. The first two dimensions ``batch_size`` and ``max_time`` may be exchanged if ``time_major`` is `True`. sequence_length (optional): A 1D :tensor:`LongTensor` of shape ``[batch_size]``. Sequence lengths of the batch inputs. Used to copy-through state and zero-out outputs when past a batch element's sequence length. initial_state_fw: (optional): Initial state of the forward RNN. initial_state_bw: (optional): Initial state of the backward RNN. time_major (bool): The shape format of the :attr:`inputs` and :attr:`outputs` Tensors. If `True`, these tensors are of shape ``[max_time, batch_size, depth]``. If `False` (default), these tensors are of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, depth]``. return_cell_output (bool): Whether to return the output of the RNN cell. This is the results prior to the output layer. return_output_size (bool): Whether to return the output size of the RNN cell. This is the results after the output layer. Returns: - By default (both ``return_cell_output`` and ``return_output_size`` are `False`), returns a pair :attr:`(outputs, final_state)` - :attr:`outputs`: A tuple ``(outputs_fw, outputs_bw)`` containing the forward and the backward RNN outputs, each of which is of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, output_dim]`` if ``time_major`` is `False`, or ``[max_time, batch_size, output_dim]`` if ``time_major`` is `True`. If RNN cell output is a (nested) tuple of Tensors, then ``outputs_fw`` and ``outputs_bw`` will be a (nested) tuple having the same structure as the cell output. - :attr:`final_state`: A tuple ``(final_state_fw, final_state_bw)`` containing the final states of the forward and backward RNNs, each of which is a Tensor of shape ``[batch_size] + cell.state_size``, or a (nested) tuple of Tensors if ``cell.state_size`` is a (nested) tuple. - If ``return_cell_output`` is `True`, returns a triple :attr:`(outputs, final_state, cell_outputs)` where - :attr:`cell_outputs`: A tuple ``(cell_outputs_fw, cell_outputs_bw)`` containing the outputs by the forward and backward RNN cells prior to the output layers, having the same structure with :attr:`outputs` except for the ``output_dim``. - If ``return_output_size`` is `True`, returns a tuple :attr:`(outputs, final_state, output_size)` where - :attr:`output_size`: A tuple ``(output_size_fw, output_size_bw)`` containing the size of ``outputs_fw`` and ``outputs_bw``, respectively. Take ``*_fw`` for example, ``output_size_fw`` is a (possibly nested tuple of) int. If a single int or an int array, then ``outputs_fw`` has shape ``[batch/time, time/batch] + output_size_fw``. If a (nested) tuple, then ``output_size_fw`` has the same structure as ``outputs_fw``. The same applies to ``output_size_bw``. - If both ``return_cell_output`` and ``return_output_size`` are `True`, returns :attr:`(outputs, final_state, cell_outputs, output_size)`. """ cell_outputs, states = bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( cell_fw=self._cell_fw, cell_bw=self._cell_bw, inputs=inputs, sequence_length=sequence_length, initial_state_fw=initial_state_fw, initial_state_bw=initial_state_bw, time_major=time_major) outputs_fw, output_size_fw = _forward_output_layers( inputs=cell_outputs[0], output_layer=self._output_layer_fw, time_major=time_major, sequence_length=sequence_length) outputs_bw, output_size_bw = _forward_output_layers( inputs=cell_outputs[1], output_layer=self._output_layer_bw, time_major=time_major, sequence_length=sequence_length) outputs = (outputs_fw, outputs_bw) output_size = (output_size_fw, output_size_bw) returns = (outputs, states) if return_cell_output: returns += (cell_outputs,) # type: ignore if return_output_size: returns += (output_size,) # type: ignore return returns
@property def cell_fw(self) -> RNNCellBase[State]: r"""The forward RNN cell. """ return self._cell_fw @property def cell_bw(self) -> RNNCellBase[State]: r"""The backward RNN cell. """ return self._cell_bw @property def state_size_fw(self) -> int: r"""The state size of the forward encoder cell. Same as :attr:`encoder.cell_fw.state_size`. """ if isinstance(self._cell_fw, LSTMCell): return 2 * self._cell_fw.hidden_size # type: ignore else: return self._cell_fw.hidden_size @property def state_size_bw(self) -> int: r"""The state size of the backward encoder cell. Same as :attr:`encoder.cell_bw.state_size`. """ if isinstance(self._cell_bw, LSTMCell): return 2 * self._cell_bw.hidden_size # type: ignore else: return self._cell_bw.hidden_size @property def output_layer_fw(self) -> Optional[nn.Module]: r"""The output layer of the forward RNN. """ return self._output_layer_fw @property def output_layer_bw(self) -> Optional[nn.Module]: r"""The output layer of the backward RNN. """ return self._output_layer_bw @property def output_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: r"""The feature sizes of :meth:`forward` outputs :attr:`output_size_fw` and :attr:`output_size_bw`. Each feature size is equal to last dimension value of corresponding result size. """ # TODO: We will change the implementation to # something that does not require a forward pass. dim_bw = self._cell_bw.hidden_size dim_fw = self._cell_fw.hidden_size if self._output_layer_bw is not None: dummy_tensor_bw = torch.Tensor(dim_bw) output_bw = self._output_layer_bw(dummy_tensor_bw).size()[-1] else: output_bw = dim_bw if self._output_layer_fw is not None: dummy_tensor_fw = torch.Tensor(dim_fw) output_fw = self._output_layer_fw(dummy_tensor_fw).size()[-1] else: output_fw = dim_fw return (output_fw, output_bw)