Source code for texar.torch.core.attention_mechanism_utils

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"""Various helper utilities for attention mechanism.

The implementation of `sparsemax` adapted from:

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Function

from texar.torch.utils.utils import sequence_mask

__all__ = [

[docs]def hardmax(logits: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Returns batched one-hot vectors. The depth index containing the `1` is that of the maximum logit value. Args: logits: A batch tensor of logit values. Returns: A batched one-hot tensor. """ if not isinstance(logits, torch.Tensor): logits = torch.tensor(logits) depth = logits.shape[-1] one_hot = torch.eye(depth, dtype=torch.int64) return F.embedding(torch.argmax(logits, -1), one_hot)
def maybe_mask_score(score: torch.Tensor, score_mask_value: torch.Tensor, memory_sequence_length: Optional[torch.LongTensor]) \ -> torch.Tensor: r"""Mask the attention score based on the masks.""" if memory_sequence_length is None: return score for memory_sequence_length_value in memory_sequence_length: if memory_sequence_length_value <= 0: raise ValueError( "All values in memory_sequence_length must be greater " "than zero.") score_mask = sequence_mask(memory_sequence_length, max_len=score.shape[1]) score_mask_values = score_mask_value * torch.ones_like(score) return torch.where(score_mask, score, score_mask_values) def prepare_memory(memory: torch.Tensor, memory_sequence_length: Optional[torch.LongTensor]) \ -> torch.Tensor: r"""Convert to tensor and possibly mask ``memory``. Args: memory: tensor, shaped ``[batch_size, max_time, ...]``. memory_sequence_length: integer tensor, shaped ``[batch_size]``. Returns: A (possibly masked), new ``memory``. Raises: ValueError: if ``memory`` and ``memory_sequence_length`` do not have the same ``batch_size``. """ if (memory_sequence_length is not None and not isinstance(memory_sequence_length, torch.Tensor)): memory_sequence_length = torch.tensor(memory_sequence_length, dtype=torch.long, device=memory.device) if memory_sequence_length is None: seq_len_mask = None else: seq_len_mask = sequence_mask(memory_sequence_length, max_len=memory.shape[1], dtype=memory.dtype) seq_len_batch_size = memory_sequence_length.shape[0] # Mask the memory based on the memory mask. rank = memory.dim() m_batch_size = memory.shape[0] if seq_len_mask is not None: if seq_len_batch_size != m_batch_size: raise ValueError("memory_sequence_length and memory tensor " "batch sizes do not match.") return memory * seq_len_mask.view( seq_len_mask.size() + (1,) * (rank - 2)) else: return memory def safe_cumprod(x: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Computes cumprod of x in logspace using cumsum to avoid underflow. The cumprod function and its gradient can result in numerical instabilities when its argument has very small and/or zero values. As long as the argument is all positive, we can instead compute the cumulative product as `exp(cumsum(log(x)))`. This function can be called identically to :torch:`cumprod`. Args: x: Tensor to take the cumulative product of. *args: Passed on to cumsum; these are identical to those in cumprod. **kwargs: Passed on to cumsum; these are identical to those in cumprod. Returns: Cumulative product of x. """ if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = torch.tensor(x) tiny = torch.finfo(x.dtype).tiny return torch.exp(torch.cumsum(torch.log(torch.clamp(x, tiny, 1)), *args, **kwargs)) def _make_ix_like(input: torch.Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> torch.Tensor: d = input.size(dim) rho = torch.arange(1, d + 1, device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype) view = (-1,) + (1,) * (input.dim() - 1) return rho.view(view).transpose(0, dim) def _threshold_and_support(input: torch.Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r"""`Sparsemax` building block: compute the threshold. Args: input: any dimension dim: dimension along which to apply `sparsemax`. Returns: the threshold value """ input_srt, _ = torch.sort(input, descending=True, dim=dim) input_cumsum = input_srt.cumsum(dim) - 1 rhos = _make_ix_like(input, dim) support = rhos * input_srt > input_cumsum support_size = support.sum(dim=dim).unsqueeze(dim) tau = input_cumsum.gather(dim, support_size - 1) tau /= return tau, support_size class SparsemaxFunction(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, # type: ignore input: torch.Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> torch.Tensor: ctx.dim = dim max_val, _ = input.max(dim=dim, keepdim=True) input -= max_val # same numerical stability trick as for softmax tau, supp_size = _threshold_and_support(input, dim=dim) output = torch.clamp(input - tau, min=0) ctx.save_for_backward(supp_size, output) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, # type: ignore grad_output: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, None]: supp_size, output = ctx.saved_tensors dim = ctx.dim grad_input = grad_output.clone() grad_input[output == 0] = 0 v_hat = grad_input.sum(dim=dim) / v_hat = v_hat.unsqueeze(dim) grad_input = torch.where(output != 0, grad_input - v_hat, grad_input) return grad_input, None
[docs]def sparsemax(input: torch.Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> torch.Tensor: r"""`sparsemax`: normalizing sparse transform (a la softmax). Args: input (Tensor): A batch tensor of logit values. dim: Dimension along which to apply `sparsemax`. Returns: Tensor: output with the same shape as input. """ return SparsemaxFunction.apply(input, dim) # type: ignore