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Executor metrics for summaries.

from collections import deque
from typing import Any, Deque, Optional, Sequence
import weakref

import numpy as np
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer

from import StreamingMetric

__all__ = [

[docs]class Average(StreamingMetric[float, float]): r"""The average of a specific predicted value. Average is a :class:``, requires only predicted values. Average values are unbounded :class:`float` numbers. By default, lower values are better, but the behavior can be configured. Keyword Args: pred_name (str): Name of the predicted value. This will be used as the key to the dictionary returned by the model. Defaults to ``"loss"``. higher_is_better (bool, optional): If specified, the :attr:`higher_is_better` attribute for the instance is overwritten by the specified value. Defaults to `False`. """ higher_is_better = False requires_label = False sum: float def __init__(self, *, pred_name: str = "loss", higher_is_better: bool = False): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation super().__init__(pred_name=pred_name, higher_is_better=higher_is_better) def reset(self) -> None: super().reset() self.sum = 0.0 def add(self, predicted: Sequence[float], _) -> None: self.count += len(predicted) self.sum += sum(predicted) def value(self) -> float: if self.count == 0: return 0.0 return self.sum / self.count
[docs]class AveragePerplexity(Average): # TODO: Create a `WeightedAverage` class that takes `(value, weight)` # and subclass that instead. higher_is_better = False def add(self, predicted: Sequence[float], _) -> None: super().add(np.exp(predicted).tolist(), _)
[docs]class RunningAverage(StreamingMetric[float, float]): r"""The running average of a specific predicted value, i.e., the average computed over the most recent :attr:`queue_size` values. Running average is a :class:``, requires only predicted values. Running average values are unbounded :class:`float` numbers. By default, lower values are better, but the behavior can be configured. Keyword Args: queue_size (int): Size of the queue to keep history values. The running average is computed over the most recent :attr:`queue_size` values. pred_name (str): Name of the predicted value. This will be used as the key to the dictionary returned by the model. Defaults to ``"loss"``. higher_is_better (bool, optional): If specified, the :attr:`higher_is_better` attribute for the instance is overwritten by the specified value. """ higher_is_better = False requires_label = False history: Deque[float] sum: float def __init__(self, queue_size: int, *, pred_name: str = "loss", higher_is_better: bool = False): super().__init__(pred_name=pred_name, higher_is_better=higher_is_better) if not isinstance(queue_size, int) or queue_size <= 0: raise ValueError("'queue_size' must be a position integer") self.queue_size = queue_size def reset(self) -> None: super().reset() self.sum = 0.0 self.history = deque() def add(self, predicted: Sequence[float], _) -> None: if len(predicted) >= self.queue_size: self.history = deque(predicted[-self.queue_size:]) self.sum = sum(self.history) else: for _ in range(len(predicted) - (self.queue_size - len(self.history))): self.sum -= self.history.popleft() self.sum += sum(predicted) self.history.extend(predicted) def value(self) -> float: if len(self.history) == 0: return 0.0 return self.sum / len(self.history)
[docs]class LR(StreamingMetric[Any, float]): r"""The learning rate (LR) of the given optimizer. This is not exactly a metric, but rather a convenience object to print learning rates in log. LR is a :class:``, requires neither predicted values nor labels. LR values are unbounded :class:`float` numbers, with no clear definition of "better". Comparison of two learning rates are not meaningful. Keyword Args: optimizer: The optimizer instance. param_group (int, optional): Index of the parameter group to obtain the learning rate from. Defaults to 0. You don't need to specify this if the optimizer contains only one parameter group (e.g., constructed using :python:`optim_class(model.parameters())`. """ requires_pred = False requires_label = False def __init__(self, optimizer: Optimizer, param_group: int = 0): super().__init__(pred_name=None) self.optimizer = weakref.ref(optimizer) = param_group def add(self, _, __): pass def value(self) -> float: return self.optimizer().param_groups[]['lr'] # type: ignore def better(self, cur: float, prev: float) -> Optional[bool]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument # Always return `None` to indicate values are uncomparable. return None def __getstate__(self): # There's no point in pickling an `LR` metric; just ignore it. return None def __getnewargs__(self): # But when unpickling, we need to make sure we can construct something. # This requires passing a dummy `optimizer` to which a weakref can be # constructed. In this case, we use an arbitrary built-in class. return (int,)