Source code for texar.torch.modules.pretrained.xlnet

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Utils of XLNet Modules.

import json
import os
from abc import ABC
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import nn

from texar.torch.modules.pretrained.pretrained_base import PretrainedMixin
from texar.torch.modules.pretrained.xlnet_utils import (
    PositionWiseFF, RelativeMultiheadAttention, init_weights)

__all__ = [


[docs]class PretrainedXLNetMixin(PretrainedMixin, ABC): r"""A mixin class to support loading pre-trained checkpoints for modules that implement the XLNet model. The XLNet model was proposed in `XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding`_ by `Yang et al.` It is based on the Transformer-XL model, pre-trained on a large corpus using a language modeling objective that considers all permutations of the input sentence. The available XLNet models are as follows: * ``xlnet-based-cased``: 12-layer, 768-hidden, 12-heads. This model is trained on full data (different from the one in the paper). * ``xlnet-large-cased``: 24-layer, 1024-hidden, 16-heads. We provide the following XLNet classes: * :class:`~texar.torch.modules.XLNetEncoder` for text encoding. * :class:`~texar.torch.modules.XLNetDecoder` for text generation and decoding. * :class:`~texar.torch.modules.XLNetClassifier` for text classification and sequence tagging. * :class:`~texar.torch.modules.XLNetRegressor` for text regression. .. _`XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding`: """ _MODEL_NAME = "XLNet" _MODEL2URL = { 'xlnet-base-cased': _XLNET_PATH + "", 'xlnet-large-cased': _XLNET_PATH + "", }
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): self.apply(init_weights) if not self._hparams.untie_r: nn.init.normal_(self.r_w_bias, 0.0, 0.02) nn.init.normal_(self.r_r_bias, 0.0, 0.02) if self._hparams.use_segments: nn.init.normal_(self.r_s_bias, 0.0, 0.02)
@classmethod def _transform_config(cls, pretrained_model_name: str, cache_dir: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: info = list(os.walk(cache_dir)) root, _, files = info[0] config_path = None for file in files: if file.endswith('config.json'): config_path = os.path.join(root, file) if config_path is None: raise ValueError(f"Cannot find the config file in {cache_dir}") with open(config_path) as f: config_ckpt = json.loads( configs = { "head_dim": config_ckpt["d_head"], "ffn_inner_dim": config_ckpt["d_inner"], "hidden_dim": config_ckpt["d_model"], "activation": config_ckpt["ff_activation"], "num_heads": config_ckpt["n_head"], "num_layers": config_ckpt["n_layer"], "vocab_size": config_ckpt["n_token"], "untie_r": config_ckpt["untie_r"] } return configs def _init_from_checkpoint(self, pretrained_model_name: str, cache_dir: str, **kwargs): # remember to call .contiguous after trans_fn try: import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf except ImportError: print("Loading TensorFlow models in PyTorch requires installing " "TensorFlow. Please see " "for installation instructions.") raise ckpt = tf.train.load_checkpoint( os.path.join(cache_dir, 'xlnet_model.ckpt')) from_params: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = { key: ckpt.get_tensor(key) for key in ckpt.get_variable_to_shape_map().keys()} del from_params["global_step"] # useless variable to_params: Dict[str, nn.Parameter] = dict(self.named_parameters()) def get_weight(name: str) -> torch.Tensor: weight = from_params["model/" + name] del from_params["model/" + name] return torch.from_numpy(weight) TransFn = Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] def assign(param: nn.Parameter, weight: Union[str, torch.Tensor], trans_fn: Optional[TransFn] = None, allow_fail: bool = False): param_key = next(k for k, v in to_params.items() if v is param) # Delete regardless of whether weight exists. del to_params[param_key] if isinstance(weight, str): try: weight = get_weight(weight) except KeyError: if allow_fail: print(f"Weight {weight} not found in checkpoint") return else: raise if trans_fn is not None: weight = trans_fn(weight).contiguous() if param.size() != weight.size(): raise ValueError(f"Expected size {param.size()}, " f"actual size {weight.size()}") = weight def assign_linear(linear: nn.Linear, prefix: str): trans_fn = lambda p: p.view(p.size(0), -1).t() assign(linear.weight, prefix + "kernel", trans_fn) if linear.bias is not None: assign(linear.bias, prefix + "bias") def assign_layer_norm(layer_norm: nn.LayerNorm, prefix: str): assign(layer_norm.weight, prefix + "LayerNorm/gamma") assign(layer_norm.bias, prefix + "LayerNorm/beta") def load_xlnet_model(xlnet): n_layers = len(xlnet.attn_layers) for bias_name in ['r_r_bias', 'r_w_bias', 'r_s_bias']: weight = get_weight("transformer/" + bias_name) if xlnet.hparams.untie_r: for idx in range(n_layers): layer: RelativeMultiheadAttention layer = xlnet.attn_layers[idx] assign(getattr(layer, bias_name), weight[idx]) else: assign(getattr(xlnet, bias_name), weight) assign(xlnet.word_embed.weight, "transformer/word_embedding/lookup_table") for idx in range(n_layers): layer: RelativeMultiheadAttention = xlnet.attn_layers[idx] prefix = f"transformer/layer_{idx}/rel_attn/" qkv_weights = [get_weight(prefix + f"{part}/kernel") for part in "qkv"] assign(layer.head_projection.weight,[ p.view(p.size(0), -1) for p in qkv_weights ], dim=1).t()) assign_linear(layer.pos_projection, prefix + "r/") assign(layer.output_projection.weight, # DO NOT TRANSPOSE!!!! prefix + "o/kernel", lambda p: p.view(p.size(0), -1)) assign_layer_norm(layer.layer_norm, prefix) for idx in range(n_layers): layer: PositionWiseFF = xlnet.ff_layers[idx] prefix = f"transformer/layer_{idx}/ff/" for linear_idx in range(1, 2 + 1): linear_prefix = f"{prefix}layer_{linear_idx}/" linear_layer: nn.Linear = getattr( layer, f"linear{linear_idx}") assign_linear(linear_layer, linear_prefix) assign_layer_norm(layer.layer_norm, prefix) seg_embeds = [ p.squeeze(0) for p in torch.chunk( get_weight("transformer/seg_embed"), n_layers, dim=0)] for idx in range(n_layers): assign(xlnet.attn_layers[idx].segment_embed, seg_embeds[idx]) if hasattr(xlnet, 'mask_emb') and hasattr(xlnet, 'lm_bias'): assign(xlnet.mask_emb, "transformer/mask_emb/mask_emb") assign(xlnet.lm_bias, "lm_loss/bias") load_xlnet_model(self) if len(from_params) > 0: print(f"WARNING: Certain weights from checkpoint are not loaded: " f"{list(from_params.keys())}") filtered_to_params = [k for k in to_params if k.startswith("xlnet")] if len(filtered_to_params) > 0: print(f"WARNING: Certain parameters are not initialized: " f"{list(filtered_to_params)}")