Source code for texar.torch.modules.encoders.multihead_attention

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Transformer encoders with multi-head self attention.

from typing import List, Optional

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict

from texar.torch.core import layers
from texar.torch.modules.encoders.encoder_base import EncoderBase
from texar.torch.utils.types import MaybeList

__all__ = [

class LayerCache(TypedDict):
    r"""Cache (state) for a single self-attention layer in
    keys: MaybeList[torch.Tensor]
    values: MaybeList[torch.Tensor]

class Cache(TypedDict):
    r"""Cache (state) for the entire :class:`MultiheadAttentionEncoder`.
    memory: Optional[torch.Tensor]
    memory_attention_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor]
    layers: List[LayerCache]

[docs]class MultiheadAttentionEncoder(EncoderBase): r"""Multi-head Attention Encoder. Args: hparams (dict or HParams, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and default values. .. document private functions """ def __init__(self, input_size: int, hparams=None): super().__init__(hparams=hparams) use_bias = self._hparams.use_bias self.Q_dense = nn.Linear(input_size, self._hparams.num_units, bias=use_bias) self.K_dense = nn.Linear(input_size, self._hparams.num_units, bias=use_bias) self.V_dense = nn.Linear(input_size, self._hparams.num_units, bias=use_bias) self.O_dense = nn.Linear(self._hparams.num_units, self._hparams.output_dim, bias=use_bias) if self._hparams.initializer: # TODO(haoransh): we may define kernel_initializer and bias # initializer seperately initialize = layers.get_initializer(self._hparams.initializer) assert initialize is not None for name, param in self.named_parameters(): if name.split('.')[-1] == 'weight': print('name:{}'.format(name)) initialize(param)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "initializer": None, 'num_heads': 8, 'output_dim': 512, 'num_units': 512, 'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'use_bias': False, "name": "multihead_attention" } Here: `"initializer"`: dict, optional Hyperparameters of the default initializer that initializes variables created in this module. See :func:`~texar.torch.core.get_initializer` for details. `"num_heads"`: int Number of heads for attention calculation. `"output_dim"`: int Output dimension of the returned tensor. `"num_units"`: int Hidden dimension of the unsplit attention space. Should be divisible by `"num_heads"`. `"dropout_rate"`: float Dropout rate in the attention. `"use_bias"`: bool Use bias when projecting the key, value and query. `"name"`: str Name of the module. """ return { 'initializer': None, 'num_heads': 8, 'output_dim': 512, 'num_units': 512, 'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'use_bias': False, 'name': 'multihead_attention', }
[docs] def forward(self, # type: ignore queries: torch.Tensor, memory: torch.Tensor, memory_attention_bias: torch.Tensor, cache: Optional[LayerCache] = None) \ -> torch.Tensor: r"""Encodes the inputs. Args: queries: A 3D tensor with shape of ``[batch, length_query, depth_query]``. memory: A 3D tensor with shape of ``[batch, length_key, depth_key]``. memory_attention_bias: A 3D tensor with shape of ``[batch, length_key, num_units]``. cache: Memory cache only when inferring the sentence from scratch. Returns: A tensor of shape ``[batch_size, max_time, dim]`` containing the encoded vectors. """ num_heads = self._hparams.num_heads num_units = self._hparams.num_units if num_units % num_heads != 0: raise ValueError( f"Value depth ({num_units}) must be divisible by " f"the number of attention heads ({num_heads}).") def _update_and_return(layer: nn.Module, key: str): if memory is None: # Self Attention out = layer(queries) if cache is not None: # decoder self attention when dynamic decoding res: MaybeList[torch.Tensor] = cache[key] if isinstance(res, list): # inference-like decoding res.append(out.squeeze(1)) out = torch.stack(res, dim=1) else: # normal decoding res =[res, out], dim=1) out = res cache[key] = res else: # encoder decoder attention if cache is not None: res: MaybeList[torch.Tensor] = cache[key] # type: ignore if isinstance(res, list): # inference-like decoding if len(res) == 0: out = layer(memory) else: out = torch.stack(res, dim=1) else: # normal decoding if res.size(1) == 0: out = layer(memory) else: out = res else: out = layer(memory) return out Q = self.Q_dense(queries) K = _update_and_return(self.K_dense, 'keys') V = _update_and_return(self.V_dense, 'values') Q_ = self._split_heads(Q) K_ = self._split_heads(K) V_ = self._split_heads(V) # [batch_size, num_heads, seq_length, memory_depth] key_depth_per_head = num_units // num_heads Q_ *= key_depth_per_head ** -0.5 logits = torch.matmul(Q_, K_.transpose(-2, -1)) if memory_attention_bias is not None: memory_attention_bias = device=logits.device) logits += memory_attention_bias weights = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1) weights = F.dropout(weights, self._hparams.dropout_rate, outputs = torch.matmul(weights, V_) outputs = self._combine_heads(outputs) outputs = self.O_dense(outputs) # (batch_size, length_query, output_dim) return outputs
def _split_heads(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Split channels (dimension 2) into multiple heads, becomes dimension 1). Must ensure ``x.shape[-1]`` can be divided by num_heads. """ depth = x.size(-1) split_x = torch.reshape(x, ( x.size(0), x.size(1), self._hparams.num_heads, depth // self._hparams.num_heads)) return split_x.permute((0, 2, 1, 3)) def _combine_heads(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Args: x: A Tensor of shape ``[batch, num_heads, seq_len, dim]`` Returns: A Tensor of shape ``[batch, seq_len, num_heads * dim]`` """ t = x.permute((0, 2, 1, 3)) # [batch, seq_len, num_heads, dim] num_heads, dim = t.size()[-2:] assert num_heads == self._hparams.num_heads return torch.reshape(t, (t.size(0), t.size(1), num_heads * dim)) @property def output_size(self): r"""The feature size of :meth:`forward` output. """ return self._hparams.output_dim