Source code for texar.torch.modules.embedders.embedders

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Various embedders.
from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from texar.torch.modules.embedders import embedder_utils
from texar.torch.modules.embedders.embedder_base import (
    EmbedderBase, EmbeddingDropout)

__all__ = [

[docs]class WordEmbedder(EmbedderBase): r"""Simple word embedder that maps indexes into embeddings. The indexes can be soft (e.g., distributions over vocabulary). Either :attr:`init_value` or :attr:`vocab_size` is required. If both are given, there must be ``init_value.shape[0]==vocab_size``. Args: init_value (optional): A Tensor or numpy array that contains the initial value of embeddings. It is typically of shape ``[vocab_size] + embedding-dim``. Embeddings can have dimensionality > 1. If `None`, embedding is initialized as specified in ``hparams["initializer"]``. Otherwise, the ``"initializer"`` and ``"dim"`` hyperparameters in :attr:`hparams` are ignored. vocab_size (int, optional): The vocabulary size. Required if :attr:`init_value` is not given. hparams (dict, optional): Embedder hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and default values. See :meth:`forward` for the inputs and outputs of the embedder. Example: .. code-block:: python ids = torch.empty([32, 10]).uniform_(to=10).type(torch.int64). soft_ids = torch.empty([32, 10, 100]).uniform_() embedder = WordEmbedder(vocab_size=100, hparams={'dim': 256}) ids_emb = embedder(ids=ids) # shape: [32, 10, 256] soft_ids_emb = embedder(soft_ids=soft_ids) # shape: [32, 10, 256] .. code-block:: python # Use with Texar data module hparams={ 'dataset': { 'embedding_init': {'file': 'word2vec.txt'} ... }, } data = MonoTextData(data_params) iterator = DataIterator(data) batch = next(iter(iterator)) # Use data vocab size embedder_1 = WordEmbedder(vocab_size=data.vocab.size) emb_1 = embedder_1(batch['text_ids']) # Use pre-trained embedding embedder_2 = WordEmbedder(init_value=data.embedding_init_value) emb_2 = embedder_2(batch['text_ids']) .. document private functions """ def __init__(self, init_value: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, vocab_size: Optional[int] = None, hparams=None): if init_value is None and vocab_size is None: raise ValueError( "Either `init_value` or `vocab_size` is required.") super().__init__(init_value=init_value, num_embeds=vocab_size, hparams=hparams) if vocab_size is None: self._vocab_size = self._num_embeds else: self._vocab_size = vocab_size if self._vocab_size != self._num_embeds: raise ValueError( f"vocab_size must equal to init_value.shape[0]. " f"Got {self._vocab_size} and {self._num_embeds}") self._dropout_layer = EmbeddingDropout(self._hparams.dropout_rate)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. .. code-block:: python { "dim": 100, "dropout_rate": 0, "dropout_strategy": 'element', "initializer": { "type": "random_uniform_initializer", "kwargs": { "minval": -0.1, "maxval": 0.1, "seed": None } }, "trainable": True, "name": "word_embedder", } Here: `"dim"`: int or list Embedding dimension. Can be a list of integers to yield embeddings with dimensionality > 1. Ignored if :attr:`init_value` is given to the embedder constructor. `"dropout_rate"`: float The dropout rate between 0 and 1. For example, ``dropout_rate=0.1`` would zero out 10% of the embeddings. Set to 0 to disable dropout. `"dropout_strategy"`: str The dropout strategy. Can be one of the following - ``"element"``: The regular strategy that drops individual elements in the embedding vectors. - ``"item"``: Drops individual items (e.g., words) entirely. For example, for the word sequence "the simpler the better", the strategy can yield "_ simpler the better", where the first "the" is dropped. - ``"item_type"``: Drops item types (e.g., word types). For example, for the above sequence, the strategy can yield "_ simpler _ better", where the word type "the" is dropped. The dropout will never yield "_ simpler the better" as in the ``"item"`` strategy. `"initializer"`: dict or None Hyperparameters of the initializer for embedding values. See :func:`~texar.torch.core.get_initializer` for the details. Ignored if :attr:`init_value` is given to the embedder constructor. `"trainable"`: bool Whether the embedding parameters are trainable. If false, freeze the embedding parameters. `"name"`: str Name of the embedding variable. """ hparams = embedder_utils.default_embedding_hparams() hparams["name"] = "word_embedder" return hparams
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: return f"vocab_size={self.vocab_size}, embedding_dim={self.dim}"
[docs] def forward(self, # type: ignore ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, soft_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Embeds (soft) ids. Either :attr:`ids` or :attr:`soft_ids` must be given, and they must not be given at the same time. Args: ids (optional): An integer tensor containing the ids to embed. soft_ids (optional): A tensor of weights (probabilities) used to mix the embedding vectors. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for :torch_nn:`functional.embedding` besides :attr:`params` and :attr:`ids`. Returns: If :attr:`ids` is given, returns a Tensor of shape ``list(ids.shape) + embedding-dim``. For example, if ``list(ids.shape) == [batch_size, max_time]`` and ``list(embedding.shape) == [vocab_size, emb_dim]``, then the return tensor has shape ``[batch_size, max_time, emb_dim]``. If :attr:`soft_ids` is given, returns a Tensor of shape ``list(soft_ids.shape)[:-1] + embedding-dim``. For example, if ``list(soft_ids.shape) == [batch_size, max_time, vocab_size]`` and ``list(embedding.shape) == [vocab_size, emb_dim]``, then the return tensor has shape ``[batch_size, max_time, emb_dim]``. """ if ids is not None: if soft_ids is not None: raise ValueError( 'Must not specify `ids` and `soft_ids` at the same time.') ids_rank = ids.dim() elif soft_ids is not None: ids_rank = soft_ids.dim() - 1 else: raise ValueError('Either `ids` or `soft_ids` must be given.') embedding = self._embedding if self._hparams.dropout_strategy == 'item_type': noise_shape = self._get_noise_shape(self._hparams.dropout_strategy) embedding = self._dropout_layer(embedding, noise_shape) if ids is not None: outputs = F.embedding(ids, embedding, **kwargs) else: outputs = embedder_utils.soft_embedding_lookup(embedding, soft_ids) if self._hparams.dropout_strategy != 'item_type': noise_shape = self._get_noise_shape( self._hparams.dropout_strategy, ids_rank=ids_rank, dropout_input=outputs) outputs = self._dropout_layer(outputs, noise_shape) return outputs
@property def embedding(self) -> torch.Tensor: r"""The embedding tensor, of shape ``[vocab_size] + dim``. """ return self._embedding @property def dim(self) -> int: r"""The embedding dimension. """ return self._dim @property def vocab_size(self) -> int: r"""The vocabulary size. """ return self._vocab_size @property def num_embeddings(self) -> int: r"""The vocabulary size. This interface matches :torch_nn:`Embedding`. """ return self._vocab_size @property def output_size(self) -> int: r"""The feature size of :meth:`forward` output. If the :attr:`dim` hyperparameter is a ``list`` or ``tuple``, the feature size equals its final dimension; otherwise, if :attr:`dim` is an ``int``, the feature size equals :attr:`dim`. """ if isinstance(self._dim, (list, tuple)): return self._dim[-1] else: return self._dim