Source code for texar.torch.losses.pg_losses

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Various loss functions for policy gradients.

from typing import Optional

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from texar.torch.losses.losses_utils import mask_and_reduce
from texar.torch.utils.shapes import get_rank

__all__ = [

[docs]def pg_loss_with_logits(actions: torch.Tensor, logits: torch.Tensor, advantages: torch.Tensor, rank: Optional[int] = None, batched: bool = False, sequence_length: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, average_across_batch: bool = True, average_across_timesteps: bool = False, average_across_remaining: bool = False, sum_over_batch: bool = False, sum_over_timesteps: bool = True, sum_over_remaining: bool = True, time_major: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Policy gradient loss with logits. Used for discrete actions. `pg_loss = reduce( advantages * -log_prob( actions ) )`, where `advantages` and `actions` do not back-propagate gradients. All arguments except :attr:`logits` and :attr:`actions` are the same with :func:`pg_loss_with_log_probs`. Args: actions: Tensor of shape `[(batch_size,) max_time, d_3, ..., d_rank]` and of dtype `int32` or `int64`. The rank of the Tensor is specified with :attr:`rank`. The batch dimension exists only if :attr:`batched` is `True`. The batch and time dimensions are exchanged, i.e., `[max_time, batch_size, ...]` if :attr:`time_major` is `True`. logits: Unscaled log probabilities of shape `[(batch_size,) max_time, d_3, ..., d_{rank+1}]` and dtype `float32` or `float64`. The batch and time dimensions are exchanged if `time_major` is `True`. advantages: Tensor of shape `[(batch_size,) max_time, d_3, ..., d_rank]` and dtype `float32` or `float64`. The batch and time dimensions are exchanged if `time_major` is `True`. rank (int, optional): The rank of :attr:`actions`. If `None` (default), rank is automatically inferred from `actions` or `advantages`. If the inference fails, `rank` is set to 1 if :attr:`batched` is `False`, and set to 2 if :attr:`batched` is `True`. batched (bool): `True` if the inputs are batched. sequence_length (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`. Time steps beyond the respective sequence lengths will have zero losses. Used if :attr:`batched` is `True`. average_across_timesteps (bool): If set, average the loss across the time dimension. Must not set `average_across_timesteps` and `sum_over_timesteps` at the same time. average_across_batch (bool): If set, average the loss across the batch dimension. Must not set `average_across_batch`' and `sum_over_batch` at the same time. Ignored if `batched` is `False`. average_across_remaining (bool): If set, average the sequence across the remaining dimensions. Must not set `average_across_remaining`' and `sum_over_remaining` at the same time. Ignored if no more dimensions other than the batch and time dimensions. sum_over_timesteps (bool): If set, sum the loss across the time dimension. Must not set `average_across_timesteps` and `sum_over_timesteps` at the same time. sum_over_batch (bool): If set, sum the loss across the batch dimension. Must not set `average_across_batch` and `sum_over_batch` at the same time. Ignored if `batched` is `False`. sum_over_remaining (bool): If set, sum the loss across the remaining dimension. Must not set `average_across_remaining` and `sum_over_remaining` at the same time. Ignored if no more dimensions other than the batch and time dimensions. time_major (bool): The shape format of the inputs. If `True`, :attr:`logits`, :attr:`actions` and :attr:`advantages` must have shape `[max_time, batch_size, ...]`. If `False` (default), they must have shape `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. Ignored if `batched` is `False`. Returns: A Tensor containing the loss to minimize, whose rank depends on the reduce arguments. For example, the batch dimension is reduced if either :attr:`average_across_batch` or :attr:`sum_over_batch` is `True`, which decreases the rank of output tensor by 1. """ actions = actions.detach() logits = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) logits = logits.permute((0, -1) + tuple(range(1, logits.dim() - 1))) neg_log_probs = F.nll_loss(logits, actions, reduction='none') return pg_loss_with_log_probs( log_probs=-neg_log_probs, advantages=advantages, rank=rank, batched=batched, sequence_length=sequence_length, average_across_batch=average_across_batch, average_across_timesteps=average_across_timesteps, average_across_remaining=average_across_remaining, sum_over_batch=sum_over_batch, sum_over_timesteps=sum_over_timesteps, sum_over_remaining=sum_over_remaining, time_major=time_major)
[docs]def pg_loss_with_log_probs(log_probs: torch.Tensor, advantages: torch.Tensor, rank: Optional[int] = None, batched: bool = False, sequence_length: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, average_across_batch: bool = True, average_across_timesteps: bool = False, average_across_remaining: bool = False, sum_over_batch: bool = False, sum_over_timesteps: bool = True, sum_over_remaining: bool = True, time_major: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Policy gradient loss with log probabilities of actions. `pg_loss = reduce(advantages * -log_probs)`, where `advantages` does not back-propagate gradients. All arguments except :attr:`log_probs` are the same as :func:`pg_loss_with_logits`. Args: log_probs: Log probabilities of shape `[(batch_size,) max_time, ..., d_rank]` and dtype `float32` or `float64`. The rank of the Tensor is specified with :attr:`rank`. The batch dimension exists only if :attr:`batched` is `True`. The batch and time dimensions are exchanged, i.e., `[max_time, batch_size, ...]` if :attr:`time_major` is `True`. advantages: Tensor of shape `[(batch_size,) max_time, d_3, ..., d_rank]` and dtype `float32` or `float64`. The batch dimension exists only if `batched` is `True`. The batch and time dimensions are exchanged if `time_major` is `True`. rank (int, optional): The rank of :attr:`log_probs`. If `None` (default), rank is automatically inferred from `log_probs` or `advantages`. If the inference fails, `rank` is set to 1 if `batched``==False`, and set to 2 if `batched``==True`. batched (bool): `True` if the inputs are batched. sequence_length (optional): A Tensor of shape `[batch_size]`. Time steps beyond the respective sequence lengths will have zero losses. Used if :attr:`batched` is `True`. average_across_timesteps (bool): If set, average the loss across the time dimension. Must not set `average_across_timesteps` and `sum_over_timesteps` at the same time. average_across_batch (bool): If set, average the loss across the batch dimension. Must not set `average_across_batch`' and `sum_over_batch` at the same time. Ignored if `batched` is `False`. average_across_remaining (bool): If set, average the sequence across the remaining dimensions. Must not set `average_across_remaining`' and `sum_over_remaining` at the same time. Ignored if no more dimensions other than the batch and time dimensions. sum_over_timesteps (bool): If set, sum the loss across the time dimension. Must not set `average_across_timesteps` and `sum_over_timesteps` at the same time. sum_over_batch (bool): If set, sum the loss across the batch dimension. Must not set `average_across_batch` and `sum_over_batch` at the same time. Ignored if `batched` is `False`. sum_over_remaining (bool): If set, sum the loss across the remaining dimension. Must not set `average_across_remaining` and `sum_over_remaining` at the same time. Ignored if no more dimensions other than the batch and time dimensions. time_major (bool): The shape format of the inputs. If `True`, :attr:`log_probs` and :attr:`advantages` must have shape `[max_time, batch_size, ...]`. If `False` (default), they must have shape `[batch_size, max_time, ...]`. Ignored if :attr:`batched` is `False`. Returns: A Tensor containing the loss to minimize, whose rank depends on the reduce arguments. For example, the batch dimension is reduced if either :attr:`average_across_batch` or :attr:`sum_over_batch` is `True`, which decreases the rank of output tensor by 1. """ advantages = advantages.detach() losses = -log_probs * advantages if rank is None: rank = get_rank(log_probs) or get_rank(advantages) if rank is None: rank = 2 if batched else 1 if batched: losses = mask_and_reduce( losses, sequence_length, rank=rank, average_across_batch=average_across_batch, average_across_timesteps=average_across_timesteps, average_across_remaining=average_across_remaining, sum_over_batch=sum_over_batch, sum_over_timesteps=sum_over_timesteps, sum_over_remaining=sum_over_remaining, time_major=time_major) elif rank > 1: if average_across_remaining and sum_over_remaining: raise ValueError("Only one of `average_across_remaining` and " "`sum_over_remaining` can be set.") if average_across_remaining: for average_axis in sorted(list(range(1, rank)), reverse=True): losses = torch.mean(losses, dim=average_axis) elif sum_over_remaining: for sum_axis in sorted(list(range(1, rank)), reverse=True): losses = torch.sum(losses, dim=sum_axis) if not batched: if average_across_timesteps and sum_over_timesteps: raise ValueError("Only one of `average_across_timesteps` and " "`sum_over_timesteps` can be set.") if average_across_timesteps: losses = torch.mean(losses, dim=0) elif sum_over_timesteps: losses = torch.sum(losses, dim=0) return losses