Source code for texar.torch.evals.metrics

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Various metrics.

from typing import Optional

import torch

__all__ = [

[docs]def accuracy(labels: torch.Tensor, preds: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Calculates the accuracy of predictions. Args: labels: The ground truth values. A Tensor of the same shape of :attr:`preds`. preds: A Tensor of any shape containing the predicted values. Returns: A float scalar Tensor containing the accuracy. """ labels = labels.type(preds.dtype).reshape(preds.shape) return (labels == preds).float().mean()
[docs]def binary_clas_accuracy(pos_preds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, neg_preds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None) -> \ Optional[torch.Tensor]: r"""Calculates the accuracy of binary predictions. Args: pos_preds (optional): A Tensor of any shape containing the predicted values on positive data (i.e., ground truth labels are 1). neg_preds (optional): A Tensor of any shape containing the predicted values on negative data (i.e., ground truth labels are 0). Returns: A float scalar Tensor containing the accuracy. """ if pos_preds is None and neg_preds is None: return None if pos_preds is not None: pos_accu = accuracy(torch.ones_like(pos_preds), pos_preds) psize = float(torch.numel(pos_preds)) else: pos_accu = torch.tensor(0.0) psize = torch.tensor(0.0) if neg_preds is not None: neg_accu = accuracy(torch.zeros_like(neg_preds), neg_preds) nsize = float(torch.numel(neg_preds)) else: neg_accu = torch.tensor(0.0) nsize = torch.tensor(0.0) accu = (pos_accu * psize + neg_accu * nsize) / (psize + nsize) return accu