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Pre-trained T5 tokenizer.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import os
import re

from \
    import SentencePieceTokenizer
from texar.torch.modules.pretrained.t5 import PretrainedT5Mixin

__all__ = [

[docs]class T5Tokenizer(SentencePieceTokenizer, PretrainedT5Mixin): r"""Pre-trained T5 Tokenizer. Args: pretrained_model_name (optional): a `str`, the name of pre-trained model (e.g., `T5-Small`). Please refer to :class:`~texar.torch.modules.PretrainedT5Mixin` for all supported models. If None, the model name in :attr:`hparams` is used. cache_dir (optional): the path to a folder in which the pre-trained models will be cached. If `None` (default), a default directory (``texar_data`` folder under user's home directory) will be used. hparams (dict or HParams, optional): Hyperparameters. Missing hyperparameters will be set to default values. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the hyperparameter structure and default values. """ _IS_PRETRAINED = True _VOCAB_FILE_NAMES = { 'vocab_file': 'sentencepiece.model' } _MAX_INPUT_SIZE = { 'T5-Small': 512, 'T5-Base': 512, 'T5-Large': 512, 'T5-3B': 512, 'T5-11B': 512 } def __init__(self, pretrained_model_name: Optional[str] = None, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, hparams=None): self.load_pretrained_config(pretrained_model_name, cache_dir, hparams) if self.pretrained_model_dir is not None: assert self.pretrained_model_name is not None vocab_file = os.path.join(self.pretrained_model_dir, self._VOCAB_FILE_NAMES['vocab_file']) if self._MAX_INPUT_SIZE.get(self.pretrained_model_name): self.max_len = self._MAX_INPUT_SIZE[self.pretrained_model_name] setattr(self.hparams, 'vocab_file', vocab_file) else: if self.hparams.get('max_len'): self.max_len = self.hparams['max_len'] # Add extra_ids to the special token list additional_special_tokens = [] extra_ids = self.hparams['extra_ids'] if extra_ids > 0: additional_special_tokens.extend( ["<extra_id_{}>".format(i) for i in range(extra_ids)]) setattr(self.hparams, 'additional_special_tokens', additional_special_tokens) super().__init__(hparams=None)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams() -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Returns a dictionary of hyperparameters with default values. * The tokenizer is determined by the constructor argument :attr:`pretrained_model_name` if it's specified. In this case, `hparams` are ignored. * Otherwise, the tokenizer is determined by `hparams['pretrained_model_name']` if it's specified. All other configurations in `hparams` are ignored. * If the above two are `None`, the tokenizer is defined by the configurations in `hparams`. .. code-block:: python { "pretrained_model_name": "T5-Small", "vocab_file": None, "max_len": 512, "bos_token": None, "eos_token": "</s>", "unk_token": "<unk>", "pad_token": "<pad>", "extra_ids": 100, "additional_special_tokens": [], "name": "t5_tokenizer", } Here: `"pretrained_model_name"`: str or None The name of the pre-trained T5 model. `"vocab_file"`: str or None The path to a sentencepiece vocabulary file. `"max_len"`: int or None The maximum sequence length that this model might ever be used with. `"bos_token"`: str or None Beginning of sentence token. Set None to disable ``bos_token``. `"eos_token"`: str End of sentence token. Set None to disable ``eos_token``. `"unk_token"`: str Unknown token. Set None to disable ``unk_token``. `"pad_token"`: str Padding token. Set None to disable ``pad_token``. `"extra_ids"`: int Add a number of extra ids added to the end of the vocabulary for use as sentinels. These tokens are accessible as `<extra_id_{%d}>` where `{%d}` is a number between 0 and extra_ids-1. Extra tokens are indexed from the end of the vocabulary up to beginning (<extra_id_0> is the last token in the vocabulary) (like in T5 preprocessing) see: `` `"additional_special_tokens"`: list A list of additional special tokens. `"name"`: str Name of the tokenizer. """ return { 'pretrained_model_name': 'T5-Small', 'vocab_file': None, 'max_len': 512, 'bos_token': None, 'eos_token': '</s>', 'unk_token': '<unk>', 'pad_token': '<pad>', 'extra_ids': 100, 'additional_special_tokens': [], 'name': 't5_tokenizer', '@no_typecheck': ['pretrained_model_name'], }
@property def vocab_size(self) -> int: return len(self.sp_model) + self.hparams['extra_ids'] def _map_token_to_id(self, token: str) -> int: if token.startswith("<extra_id_"): match = re.match(r"<extra_id_(\d+)>", token) num = int( # type: ignore return self.vocab_size - num - 1 return self.sp_model.PieceToId(token) def _map_id_to_token(self, index: int) -> str: if index < self.sp_model.get_piece_size(): token = self.sp_model.IdToPiece(index) else: token = "<extra_id_{}>".format(self.vocab_size - 1 - index) return token