Source code for

# Copyright 2019 The Texar Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Base data class that is inherited by all data classes.
A data defines data reading, parsing, batching, and other
preprocessing operations.
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from typing import (
    Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence,
    Tuple, TypeVar, Union)

import torch
from import Dataset

from import Batch
from import _CacheStrategy, _LazyStrategy
from texar.torch.hyperparams import HParams

__all__ = [

RawExample = TypeVar('RawExample')  # type of a raw example loaded from source
Example = TypeVar('Example')  # type of a data example

[docs]class DataSource(Generic[RawExample], ABC): r"""Base class for all data sources. A data source represents the *source* of the data, from which raw data examples are read and returned. Different to PyTorch :class:``, subclasses of this class are not required to implement :meth:`__getitem__` (default implementation raises `TypeError`), which is beneficial for certain sources that only supports iteration (reading from text files, reading Python iterators, etc.) """ def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> RawExample: raise TypeError("This DataSource does not support random access") def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RawExample]: raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: raise TypeError("This DataSource does not support random access")
[docs]class SequenceDataSource(DataSource[RawExample]): r"""Data source for reading from Python sequences. This data source supports indexing. Args: sequence: The Python sequence to read from. Note that a sequence should be iterable and supports `len`. """ def __init__(self, sequence: Sequence[RawExample]): self._seq = sequence def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> RawExample: return self._seq[index] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RawExample]: return iter(self._seq) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._seq)
[docs]class IterDataSource(DataSource[RawExample]): r"""Data source for reading from Python iterables. Please note: if passed an *iterator* and caching strategy is set to 'none', then the data source can only be iterated over once. This data source does not support indexing. Args: iterable: The Python iterable to read from. """ def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable[RawExample]): self._iter = iterable def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RawExample]: return iter(self._iter)
[docs]class ZipDataSource(DataSource[Tuple[RawExample, ...]]): r"""Data source by combining multiple sources. The raw examples returned from this data source are tuples, with elements being raw examples from each of the constituting data sources. This data source supports indexing if all the constituting data sources support indexing. Args: sources: The list of data sources to combine. """ def __init__(self, *sources: DataSource[RawExample]): self._sources = list(sources) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple[RawExample, ...]: return tuple(source[index] for source in self._sources) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[RawExample, ...]]: return zip(*[iter(source) for source in self._sources]) def __len__(self) -> int: return min(len(source) for source in self._sources)
[docs]class FilterDataSource(DataSource[RawExample]): r"""Data source for filtering raw examples with a user-specified filter function. Only examples for which the filter functions returns `True` are returned. This data source supports indexing if the wrapped data source supports indexing. Args: source: The data source to filter. filter_fn: A callable taking a raw example as argument and returning a boolean value, indicating whether the raw example should be **kept**. """ def __init__(self, source: DataSource[RawExample], filter_fn: Callable[[RawExample], bool]): self._source = source self._filter_fn = filter_fn def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RawExample]: for sentence in self._source: if self._filter_fn(sentence): yield sentence
[docs]class RecordDataSource(DataSource[Dict[str, RawExample]]): r"""Data source by structuring multiple sources. The raw examples returned from this data source are dictionaries, with values being raw examples from each of the constituting data sources. This data source supports indexing if all the constituting data sources support indexing. Args: sources: A dictionary mapping names to data sources, containing the data sources to combine. """ def __init__(self, sources: Dict[str, DataSource[RawExample]]): self._sources = sources def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, RawExample]: return {key: source[index] for key, source in self._sources.items()} def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Dict[str, RawExample]]: keys = list(self._sources.keys()) iterator = zip(*[iter(source) for source in self._sources.values()]) for values in iterator: yield dict(zip(keys, values)) def __len__(self) -> int: return min(len(source) for source in self._sources.values())
class _TruncatedDataSource(DataSource[RawExample]): def __init__(self, data_source: DataSource[RawExample], max_size: int): self._source = data_source self._max_size = max_size def __getitem__(self, item) -> RawExample: if item >= self._max_size: raise IndexError( f"Data index ({item}) out of range [0, {self._max_size})") return self._source[item] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RawExample]: count = 0 iterator = iter(self._source) while count < self._max_size: yield next(iterator) count += 1 def __len__(self) -> int: try: length = min(len(self._source), self._max_size) except TypeError: length = self._max_size return length class _TransformedDataSource(DataSource[Example], Generic[RawExample, Example]): r"""Data source by performing transformations on another data source. """ def __init__(self, data_source: DataSource[RawExample], process_fn: Callable[[RawExample], Example]): self._source = data_source self._process = process_fn def __getitem__(self, item): return self._process(self._source[item]) def __iter__(self): return map(self._process, iter(self._source)) def __len__(self): return len(self._source) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._source, item) class _CachedDataSource(DataSource[RawExample]): r"""Wrapper for random access support over a data source that does not implement `__getitem__`. This class is only used internally in :class:``, while conforming to user `cache_strategy` and `shuffle_buffer_size` settings. """ _cache: Union[Dict[int, RawExample], List[RawExample]] def __init__(self, data_source: DataSource[RawExample], erase_after_access: bool = True): r""" Args: data_source: The data source to wrap around. erase_after_access: If `True`, cached examples are erased after being accessed through `__getitem__`. Useful when :class:`` hyperparameter `cache_strategy` is set to `none` or `processed`. """ self._source = data_source self._iter = iter(data_source) self._max_index = -1 self._erase_after_access = erase_after_access if erase_after_access: self._cache: Dict[int, RawExample] = {} else: self._cache: List[RawExample] = [] def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> RawExample: # If specified `index` is not yet prefetched (or has already been # accessed), this method may throw `IndexError` or `KeyError`. example = self._cache[index] if self._erase_after_access: del self._cache[index] return example def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RawExample]: return iter(self._source) def prefetch(self, index: int): while self._max_index < index: example = next(self._iter) self._max_index += 1 if self._erase_after_access: self._cache[self._max_index] = example else: self._cache.append(example) # type: ignore @property def max_index(self) -> int: return self._max_index def reset(self) -> None: if self._erase_after_access: self._iter = iter(self._source) self._max_index = -1
[docs]class DatasetBase(Dataset, Generic[RawExample, Example], ABC): r"""Base class inherited by all data classes. Args: source: An instance of type :class:``, hparams: A `dict` or instance of :class:`~texar.torch.HParams` containing hyperparameters. See :meth:`default_hparams` for the defaults. device: The device of the produced batches. For GPU training, set to current CUDA device. .. note:: When :attr:`device` is set to a CUDA device, tensors in the batch will be automatically moved to the specified device. This may result in performance issues if your data examples contain complex structures (e.g., nested lists with many elements). In this case, it is recommended to set :attr:`device` to `None` and manually move your data. For more details, see :meth:`collate`. Users can also directly inherit from this class to implement customized data processing routines. Two methods should be implemented in the subclass: - :meth:`process`: Process a single data example read from the data source (*raw example*). Default implementation returns the raw example as is. - :meth:`collate`: Combine a list of processed examples into a single batch, and return an object of type :class:``. Example: Here, we define a custom data class named ``MyDataset``, which is equivalent to the most basic usage of :class:``. .. code-block:: python class MyDataset( def __init__(self, data_path, vocab, hparams=None, device=None): source = self.vocab = vocab super().__init__(source, hparams, device) def process(self, raw_example): # `raw_example` is a data example read from `self.source`, # in this case, a line of tokenized text, represented as a # list of `str`. return { "text": raw_example, "ids": self.vocab.map_tokens_to_ids_py(raw_example), } def collate(self, examples): # `examples` is a list of objects returned from the # `process` method. These data examples should be collated # into a batch. # `text` is a list of list of `str`, storing the tokenized # sentences for each example in the batch. text = [ex["text"] for ex in examples] # `ids` is the NumPy tensor built from the token IDs of each # sentence, and `lengths` the lengths of each sentence. # The `` function pads IDs to the same # length and then stack them together. This function is # commonly used in `collate` methods. ids, lengths = [ex["ids"] for ex in examples]) return len(examples), text=text, text_ids=torch.from_numpy(ids), lengths=torch.tensor(lengths)) vocab ="vocab.txt") hparams = {'batch_size': 1} data = MyDataset("data.txt", vocab, hparams) iterator = DataIterator(data) for batch in iterator: # batch contains the following # batch_ == { # 'text': [['<BOS>', 'example', 'sequence', '<EOS>']], # 'text_ids': [[1, 5, 10, 2]], # 'length': [4] # } """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # The `DatasetBase` is used in combination with Texar `DataIterator`, which internally uses the PyTorch `DataLoader` # for multi-processing support. # # We divide the entire data pipeline into three stages, namely *load*, *process*, and *batch*: # - **Load** refers to loading data from the data source (e.g., a file, a Python list or iterator). In Texar, # loading is handled by `DataSource` classes. # - **Process** refers to preprocessing routines for each data example (e.g., vocabulary mapping, tokenization). In # Texar, this is the `process` function of each `DatasetBase` class. # - **Batch** refers to combining multiple examples to form a batch, which typically includes padding and moving # data across devices. In Texar, this is the `collate` function of each `DatasetBase` class. # # PyTorch DataLoader only performs batching, and since multi-processing is used, the entire dataset is expected to # be in memory before iteration, i.e. loading and processing cannot be lazy. The `DatasetBase` class is carefully # crafted to provide laziness and caching options at all possible stages. # # To support laziness, we pass data examples (either raw or processed, depending on whether processing is lazy) to # the worker processes. To prevent modifying the underlying `DataLoader` implementation, we hack the PyTorch # `Sampler` classes (responsible for sampling the next data example from the dataset, and returning its index) to # also return data examples. To support caching, the worker may also need to return the processed examples through # pipes. # # The following table describes the intended behavior of each combination of lazy/caching modes, and the exact # behaviors of the sampler and workers. `<X>` means the mode combination does not make sense (e.g. with `Lazy.None`, # processed data examples are effectively cached, so `Cache.None` makes no sense). Parts in `*[blah]*` hold true # only for the first epoch. # # +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # | | Cache.None | Cache.Loaded | Cache.Processed | # | | no caching | only cache loaded examples | only cache processed examples | # +===============+===============================+===============================+===============================+ # | Lazy.None | <X> | <X> | Sampler returns indices. | # | eager load, | | | Worker only does batching. | # | eager process | | | Worker returns batch. | # +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # | Lazy.Process | <X> | Sampler returns indices. | Sampler returns indices. | # | eager load, | | Worker does batching and | Worker does batching | # | lazy process | | processing. | *[and processing]*. | # | | | Worker returns batch. | Worker returns batch | # | | | | *[and processed examples]*. | # +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # | Lazy.All | Sampler returns indices and | Sampler returns indices | Sampler returns indices | # | lazy load, | data examples. | *[and data examples]*. | *[and data examples]*. | # | lazy process | Worker does batching and | Worker does batching and | Worker does batching | # | | processing. | processing. | *[and processing]*. | # | | Worker returns batch. | Worker returns batch. | Worker returns batch | # | | | | *[and processed examples]*. | # +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # # Note that in the above table we assume `parallelize_processing` to be True. In rare cases this may not be desired, # for instance, when `process` depends on some shared variable that must be modified during iteration, e.g. a # vocabulary constructed on-the-fly. When `parallelize_processing` is False, behaviors are as the following (much # simpler) table. Although, note that compared to the above cases, this often results in worse performance. # # +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # | | Cache.None | Cache.Loaded | Cache.Processed | # | | no caching | only cache loaded examples | only cache processed examples | # +===============+===============================+===============================+===============================+ # | Lazy.None | <X> | <X> | Sampler returns indices. | # | eager load, | | | Worker only does batching. | # | eager process | | | Worker returns batch. | # +---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ # | Lazy.Process | <X> | Sampler returns indices and processed examples. | # | eager load, | | Worker only does batching. | # | lazy process | | Worker returns batch. | # +---------------+-------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Lazy.All | Sampler returns indices and processed examples. | # | lazy load, | Worker only does batching. | # | lazy process | Worker returns batch. | # +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # pylint: enable=line-too-long _source: DataSource[RawExample] _dataset_size: Optional[int] def __init__(self, source: DataSource[RawExample], hparams=None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None): self._source = source self._hparams = HParams(hparams, self.default_hparams()) self.device = device if self._hparams.num_epochs != 1: warnings.warn(f"'num_epochs' is set to {self._hparams.num_epochs}, " f"but will be treated as 1.") # Check and convert strategy hyperparameters. self._lazy_strategy = _LazyStrategy(self._hparams.lazy_strategy) self._cache_strategy = _CacheStrategy(self._hparams.cache_strategy) if self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.NONE: if self._cache_strategy is not _CacheStrategy.PROCESSED: warnings.warn( f"Using '{self._cache_strategy}' cache strategy with " f"'none' lazy strategy. This will be equivalent to " f"'processed' cache strategy.") self._cache_strategy = _CacheStrategy.PROCESSED elif self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.PROCESS: if self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.NONE: warnings.warn( f"Using 'none' cache strategy with 'process' lazy " f"strategy. This will be equivalent to 'loaded' cache " f"strategy.") self._cache_strategy = _CacheStrategy.LOADED self._uses_multi_processing = self._hparams.num_parallel_calls > 0 self._parallelize_processing = self._hparams.parallelize_processing self._processed_cache: List[Example] = [] self._fully_cached = False # If specified maximum dataset size, wrap the data source. This is done # before caching to avoid caching excess elements. if self._hparams.max_dataset_size != -1: self._source = _TruncatedDataSource[RawExample]( self._source, self._hparams.max_dataset_size) # If processing should not be parallelized, combine processing with # loading by wrapping the data source. In this case, **processed** data # will be cached. if (not self._parallelize_processing and self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.ALL and self._cache_strategy is not _CacheStrategy.LOADED): self._transformed_source = _TransformedDataSource[ RawExample, Example](self._source, self.process) self._source = self._transformed_source # type: ignore # Check whether data source supports random access, and obtain dataset # size if it does. self._supports_random_access = True if self._lazy_strategy is not _LazyStrategy.NONE: try: self._dataset_size = len(self._source) _ = self._source[0] except TypeError: self._supports_random_access = False erase_after_access = ( self._cache_strategy is not _CacheStrategy.LOADED) self._cached_source = _CachedDataSource[RawExample]( self._source, erase_after_access) self._source = self._cached_source self._dataset_size = None # If processing should not be parallelized, combine processing with # loading by wrapping the data source. In this case, **loaded** data # will be cached. if (not self._parallelize_processing and self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.LOADED): self._transformed_source = _TransformedDataSource[ RawExample, Example](self._source, self.process) self._source = self._transformed_source # type: ignore # Simplify some logic-heavy checks. self.__should_return_processed_examples = ( self._lazy_strategy is not _LazyStrategy.NONE and self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.PROCESSED and self._parallelize_processing) self.__should_call_prefetch_source = ( self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.ALL and self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.NONE) self.__should_call_prefetch_processed = ( not self._parallelize_processing and self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.PROCESS and self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.PROCESSED) self.__should_delete_source_in_add_cache = ( not self._supports_random_access and self._parallelize_processing and self._uses_multi_processing and self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.PROCESS and self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.PROCESSED) # Perform eager loading/processing if required. if self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.NONE: # Process entire dataset and cache. self._processed_cache = [self.process(raw_example) for raw_example in self._source] self._dataset_size = len(self._processed_cache) self._fully_cached = True else: if self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.PROCESS: # Load entire dataset. Note that if data source supports random # access, we assume it is already loaded into memory. if not self._supports_random_access: self._prefetch_all_source() if self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.PROCESSED: # Data can be processed in arbitrary order, so they need to be # reordered before storing in the cache list. self._reorder_cache: Dict[int, Example] = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams(): r"""Returns a dictionary of default hyperparameters. .. code-block:: python { "num_epochs": 1, "batch_size": 64, "allow_smaller_final_batch": True, "shuffle": True, "shuffle_buffer_size": None, "shard_and_shuffle": False, "num_parallel_calls": 1, "prefetch_buffer_size": 0, "max_dataset_size": -1, "seed": None, "lazy_strategy": 'none', "cache_strategy": 'processed', "parallelize_processing": True, "name": "data" } Here: `"num_epochs"`: int Number of times the dataset should be repeated. .. note:: This option only exists for compatibility, and will be ignored. A warning will be generated is any value other than 1 is used. `"batch_size"`: int Batch size, i.e., the number of consecutive elements of the dataset to combine in a single batch. `"allow_smaller_final_batch"`: bool Whether to allow the final batch to be smaller if there are insufficient elements left. If `False`, the final batch is discarded if it is smaller than batch size. Note that, if `True`, `output_shapes` of the resulting dataset will have a a **static** batch_size dimension equal to "batch_size". `"shuffle"`: bool Whether to randomly shuffle the elements of the dataset. `"shuffle_buffer_size"`: int The buffer size for data shuffling. The larger, the better the resulting data is mixed. If `None` (default), buffer size is set to the size of the whole dataset (i.e., make the shuffling the maximally effective). `"shard_and_shuffle"`: bool Whether to first shard the dataset and then shuffle each block respectively. Useful when the whole data is too large to be loaded efficiently into the memory. If `True`, :attr:`shuffle_buffer_size` must be specified to determine the size of each shard. .. warning:: Sharding is not yet supported. This option will be ignored. `"num_parallel_calls"`: int Number of elements from the datasets to process in parallel. When ``"num_parallel_calls"`` equals 0, no worker processes will be created; when the value is greater than 0, the number of worker processes will be equal to ``"num_parallel_calls"``. `"prefetch_buffer_size"`: int The maximum number of elements that will be buffered when prefetching. .. note:: This option exists only for compatibility. Currently data is only prefetched when ``"num_parallel_calls"`` is greater than 1, and the number of examples to prefetch is controlled internally by PyTorch :torch_docs:`DataLoader <>`. `"max_dataset_size"`: int Maximum number of instances to include in the dataset. If set to `-1` or greater than the size of dataset, all instances will be included. This constraint is imposed after data shuffling and filtering. `"seed"`: int, optional The random seed for shuffle. Note that if a seed is set, the shuffle order will be exact the same every time when going through the (repeated) dataset. .. warning:: Manual seeding is not yet supported. This option will be ignored. `"lazy_strategy"`: str Lazy strategy for data examples. Lazy loading/processing defers data loading/processing until when it's being accessed. Non-lazy (eager) loading/processing would load/process all data upon construction of dataset. Available options are: - `none`: Perform eager loading and processing. - `process`: Perform eager loading and lazy processing. - `all`: Perform lazy loading and processing. Defaults to `all`. Note that currently, all eager operations are performed on a single process only. `"cache_strategy"`: str Caching strategy for data examples. Available options are: - `none`: No data is cached. Data is always loaded from source (e.g. file) and processed upon access. - `loaded`: Only cache raw data loaded from source, processing routines are performed upon access. - `processed`: Processed data is cached. **Note:** raw data will not be cached in this case, because raw data is only used to construct the processed data. Default value is `loaded`. This option depends on the value of `lazy_strategy`, specifically: - When `lazy_strategy` is `none`, all choices of `cache_strategy` are equivalent to `processed`. - When `lazy_strategy` is `process`, `none` is equivalent to `loaded`. `"parallelize_processing"`: bool Whether to perform parallelized processing of data. Since multi-processing parallelism is utilized, this flag should be `False` if your process routine involves modifying a shared object across examples. Note that this only affects cases where `lazy_strategy` is not `none`. If `lazy_strategy` is `none`, processing will be performed on a single process regardless of this value. `"max_batch_size"`: int AdaptDL parameter. Maximum global batch size used for distributed training with AdaptDL. `"local_bsz_bounds"`: (int, int) AdaptDL parameter. Local batch size bounds (min, max) per replica for distributed training. `"gradient_accumulation"`: bool AdaptDL parameter. Enable gradient accumulation. `"name"`: str Name of the data. """ # TODO: Sharding not yet supported. # TODO: `seed` is not yet applied. # TODO: `prefetch_buffer_size` will not be supported, but could remain # for compatibility. return { "name": "data", "num_epochs": 1, "batch_size": 64, "allow_smaller_final_batch": True, "shuffle": True, "shuffle_buffer_size": None, "shard_and_shuffle": False, "num_parallel_calls": 0, "prefetch_buffer_size": 0, "max_dataset_size": -1, "seed": None, "lazy_strategy": 'none', "cache_strategy": 'processed', "parallelize_processing": True, "max_batch_size": None, "local_bsz_bounds": None, "gradient_accumulation": False }
[docs] def to(self, device: Optional[torch.device]): r"""Move the dataset to the specific device. Note that we don't actually move data or do anything here -- data will be moved to the appropriate device after :class:`` fetches the batch. """ if device is not None: self.device = device return self
def _prefetch_processed(self, index: int): r"""Performs processing on the main process. This is called in :meth:`` if `parallelize_processing` is `False`.""" if len(self._processed_cache) <= index: self._processed_cache.extend( self.process(self._source[x]) for x in range(len(self._processed_cache), index + 1)) if len(self._processed_cache) == self._dataset_size: self._fully_cached = True def _prefetch_all_source(self) -> int: r"""Prefetches all examples from data source. This is only called if `__len__` is called before dataset size can be determined, or when using eager loading. """ try: max_index = 10 ** 8 self._cached_source.prefetch(max_index) warnings.warn( f"The data source contains more than {max_index:.2e} " f"examples. Please check whether it is infinite.") while True: max_index *= 2 self._cached_source.prefetch(max_index) except StopIteration: self._dataset_size = self._cached_source.max_index + 1 return self._dataset_size def _prefetch_source(self, index: int) -> Optional[int]: r"""Prefetches data so `__getitem__` will be available. This method should only be called in the main process, because data sources are not guaranteed to be thread-safe. Args: index: Prefetch data up to this index. Returns: If `index` is greater than dataset size, returns the inferred dataset size. Otherwise, returns `None`. """ if not self._supports_random_access: try: self._cached_source.prefetch(index) except StopIteration: self._dataset_size = self._cached_source.max_index + 1 # self._cached_source.reset() if self._should_call_prefetch_processed: self._prefetch_processed(self._dataset_size - 1) return self._dataset_size if self._should_call_prefetch_processed: self._prefetch_processed(index) else: # Dataset size must be known. if index >= self._dataset_size: # type: ignore return self._dataset_size return None def __len__(self) -> int: if self._dataset_size is None: raise TypeError( "__len__ not supported for datasets with undetermined size") return self._dataset_size
[docs] def process(self, raw_example: RawExample) -> Example: r"""The process routine. A default implementation of no-op is provided, but subclasses are free to override this behavior. The process routine would take raw examples loaded from the data source as input, and return processed examples. If `parallelize_processing` is `True`, this method **must not** access shared variables that are modified during iterator (e.g., constructing vocabularies on-the-fly). Args: raw_example: The raw example loaded from data. Returns: The processed example. """ return raw_example # type: ignore
def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, Tuple[int, RawExample]]) -> Example: if isinstance(index, int): if self._fully_cached: return self._processed_cache[index] elif not self._parallelize_processing: return self._transformed_source[index] else: return self.process(self._source[index]) else: # `index` is a tuple of (index, example). if not self._parallelize_processing: return index[1] # type: ignore else: return self.process(index[1]) def _add_cached_examples(self, indices: List[int], examples: List[Example]): r"""Called by :class:`` to cache examples processed in worker processes. Args: indices: Indices for each example. examples: The examples processed in worker processes. """ if self._should_delete_source_in_add_cache: # In this case, `_CachedDataSource.__getitem__` will be # called on worker processes, so the cache cannot be # deleted. Thus, we move deletion to # `_add_cached_examples`. for index in indices: del self._cached_source._cache[index] # pylint: disable=protected-access for index, example in zip(indices, examples): if index == len(self._processed_cache): self._processed_cache.append(example) else: self._reorder_cache[index] = example while len(self._processed_cache) in self._reorder_cache: index = len(self._processed_cache) self._processed_cache.append(self._reorder_cache[index]) del self._reorder_cache[index] if len(self._processed_cache) == self._dataset_size: self._fully_cached = True def _start_iteration(self) -> None: r"""Called by :class:`` before a new round of iteration starts. Note that this method will only be called if an unknown-sized iterator is used. """ if not self._supports_random_access: self._cached_source.reset() @property def num_epochs(self): r"""Number of epochs. """ return self._hparams.num_epochs @property def batch_size(self): r"""The batch size. """ return self._hparams.batch_size @property def hparams(self): r"""A :class:`~texar.torch.HParams` instance of the data hyperparameters. """ return self._hparams @property def name(self): r"""Name of the module. """ return @property def dataset(self): # TODO: maybe change this to `data_source` r"""The data source. """ return self._source
[docs] def collate(self, examples: List[Example]) -> Batch: r"""The collate routine. Subclasses must implement this method. The collate routine is called to collate (combine) examples into batches. This function takes a list of processed examples, and returns an instance of :class:``. .. note:: Implementation should make sure that the returned callable is safe and efficient under multi-processing scenarios. Basically, do not rely on variables that could be modified during iteration, and avoid accessing unnecessary variables, as each access would result in a cross-process memory copy. .. warning:: The recommended pattern is not to move tensor storage within this method, but you are free to do so. However, if multiple workers are used (:attr:`num_parallel_calls` > 0), moving tensors to CUDA devices within this method would result in CUDA errors being thrown. Args: examples: A list of processed examples in a batch. Returns: The collated batch. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _collate_and_maybe_return(self, examples: List[Example]) -> \ Union[Batch, Tuple[List[Example], Batch]]: r"""Called by :class:`` to obtain the collated batch (and processed examples under certain circumstances). Args: examples: A list of processed examples in a batch. Returns: The collated batch. """ batch = self.collate(examples) if self._should_return_processed_examples: return examples, batch return batch @property def _should_return_processed_examples(self): r"""Returns `True` if the worker threads should perform processing and return the processed examples. """ return (not self._fully_cached and self.__should_return_processed_examples) @property def _should_yield_raw_example(self): r"""Returns `True` if the sampler should yield raw examples. """ return (self._lazy_strategy is _LazyStrategy.ALL and (self._cache_strategy is _CacheStrategy.NONE or not self._fully_cached)) @property def _should_call_prefetch_source(self): r"""Returns `True` if the sampler should call `_prefetch_source`. """ return (self._dataset_size is None or self.__should_call_prefetch_source) @property def _should_call_prefetch_processed(self): r"""Returns `True` if `_prefetch_source` should call `_prefetch_processed`. """ return self.__should_call_prefetch_processed @property def _should_delete_source_in_add_cache(self): r"""Returns `True` if `_add_cached_examples` should delete cached raw examples. """ return self.__should_delete_source_in_add_cache